Saturday, May 4, 2013

How are you doing today

I just returned from a wonderful brunch with about 30 women of all ages celebrating womanhood and mother hood. We heard from three speakers a young mother a middle aged mother and a grandmother. It was beautiful. The energy was great and I am still on a high.

I hope wherever you are reading this that you are okay too. I care about you because we're one. I'm over this illusion of difference. We are cells of one womb - mother earth and when one cell is not doing too well it affects the entire body.So be well.  Embrace life and remember that it is our interpretation of an event that creates feelings good or bad within us. There are not right or wrong, up or down, in and out - these are all our interpretations we have put on the changing nature of our world. The only constant is change and with this change sometimes we are on top of the mountain and other times we are in the valley but we are not going to stay in either place forever, because everything is movement, everything is energy and everything is good.

In my neck of the wood it is a fantastic day of blues skies, sunny day and people raking leaves in shorts and looking quite happy.
Here's a beautiful quote to brighten up your day. Yes you. I love you.

"There is a life-affirming spark within you which constantly nudges you towards saying yes to life. Create your YES list; a list of all the things you want to say YES to, and be prepared to be amazed. ~ Linda MacDonald

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