Friday, June 28, 2013

quotable quote

“If I know one thing for sure, it’s that you can do small things inside your mind
that will lead to big changes in your brain and your experience of living...
You really can nudge your whole being in a better direction every day.
When you change your brain, you change your life.”
—Rick Hanson, Ph.D.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

How are you doing my friends

It's Thursday and the weekend is in view. I am feeling  great and all pumped up. My heart is open and there is a willingness inside of me to allow the universe to have its way with me. I am in that allowing mood. I just returned from an assignment and I connected beautifully with my audience. there were sparks flying everywhere. There was food, friendships and learning all happening at the same time.

I set my intentions before I went.  The entire thing happened in my imagination and it happened just like I thought and then some. I did not envision entering into a potluck - that was plus.

Friends I kid you not, your thoughts are energy waiting to explode in any direction you position it. Practise visualizing the kind of day, the kind of event the kind of meeting whatever you plan on doing, visualize it, feel it, let it sink in and  you can be unstoppable in all areas of your life.

I am on the 21 day challenge and I am focusing my thoughts to generate that feeling of well being inside of me. Even if I slip and negativity wants to creep in I inhale into it, take a deep breath and watch it float by and before I know it I am back on track. According to to Dr. Wayne Dyer, we must not fight anything or declare war on any thing, just acknowledge it, thank it for coming to your attention and watch it leave peacefully. When you declare war on anything you will just keep on producing more of same. Watch your thinking in that area.

Quoteable Quote
You are truly divinely loved and
Intention is the core of all conscious life.
Conscious intention colors and moves everything.
-Master Hsing Yun

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Twenty one day challenge to change something you do not like about yourself or to achieve a dream

Friday, June 21, 2013

What has the Universe said to you today?

Hello there, how are you? I’m feeling great. I cannot remember the last time I was in a real slump. Oh yeah, sometimes I feel a little heavy but I wrap it around with all the love I can muster. I say to my heaviness I feel you and I love you. Is there anything you need from me to make you lighter?  I just watch and wait and before I know it something happens, a phone call from one of my children, a nice word from a friend or watching a bird fly pass my window and I’m out of it. Really, honestly, I find that since I started consciously becoming aware of my awareness, living in the present moment, my life has been perfect, I am happy. I get the nod from the universe because it uses people to tell me what a great energy I am.  For instance yesterday one of my co-workers came by my office to find out if I would be at work tomorrow. I said yes and wondered why she was asking if she was not coming and I’d have to fill in. She answered my question even before I asked. She said I’m just asking because you perk up the place.  That was so nice of her to say. I heard her but I know it is the universe or God speaking to me. I believe there is a reason for everything. Sometimes the Universe speaks to us so clearly we can only hear it. I heard I am on the right track.
Now if you are living in the present moment there can be no excuse. Excuses happen either when you go back in time or project yourself in the future.  If you are experiencing any heaviness, any regret, false beliefs about yourself.
Would you be  willing to let go of living in the past or in the future and being present to yourself right now. Say Yes?
Would you be willing to acknowledge that the universe of which you are a part is perfect and that you are perfect?  Yes
And if  say yes to that will you be willing to acknowledge that you are living in the field of infinite possibilities and you choose what to take from that field every moment? Yes?
Would you be willing to take what you need to feel better right now from that field of infinite possibility and presence? Yes?
And would you be willing to then destroy and disperse any thought feeling or action that stand between you and that field? say yes
And so it is. Take a deep breath and go about your life in that field of infinite possibilities.  You are a rich, peaceful and loved person. Walk in that light, feel the energy and the lightness of you. Smile take a few deep, deep breaths and slowly exhale through a crack between your lips . Have a blessed day.
You are divinely loved and guided.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Feed the mind with positive vitamins for a productive fulfilling day

Just as you would nourish the body with a healthy breakfast, in the same way, start your day on the right foot by feeding the mind with positive material.

Prior to starting your work day, either on your morning commute, or as soon as you walk into the office - take a few moments to read or listen to uplifting, encouraging, and mind-stretching information, words, music or podcast.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
-- Dr. Wayne Dyer

How to change the beliefs that stop you cold

1.  What belief about yourself that stops you from doing things.
 2. How do you feel about yourself, what message are you broadcasting subconsciously e.g. I am a fake, I am not qualified, I am not good enough
3. How do you know when you are crossing a boundary? What emotions do you feel?
Fear, anxiety, confused, sweaty palms. Do these thoughts stop you from proceeding?
4.  What if you should give yourself some empowering instructions – I can do this. I am creative and intelligent to do this. I am confident in my abilities. E.g. if you are taking driver-ed “I can learn driving easily and effortless. I can do it.
5. Write down these new statements and put them up where it is visible every time you pass by.
6. Push the boundary lines just a little each time. Feel the fear and do it anyway. When you become comfortable with where you are push the boundary again. Fear is a natural part of human existence. It was a great emotion in our evolution. We do not need it in the same way so it’s okay to let it go.
7.  Celebrate boundary movements whenever you do and that will encourage you further.
8. You can do this effortlessly and easily, effortlessly and easily.  An Affirmation could be  “I could do…. Effortlessly and easily.”  You must do it.
9. Practice makes perfect. Practice pushing boundaries, practice feeling uncomfortable and forging ahead eventually, this irrational fear will slip into the background.

You are so divinely loved and guided right now right here.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Break free from the hold of limitations

What thoughts you harbour in your heart that's holding you back? What limiting beliefs do you hold about yourself. Know this, whatever you conceive bears fruit. If you think you can't then you won't. If you think you can then you will.
Your thoughts are energy. What are you broadcasting on your energetic platform today?  Are you projecting something you would like to attract?
If you have been struggling to achieve anything in your life - a job, a loving relationship, money - and it always eludes you, it is time you check what limiting beliefs you have about these issues that might be holding you back. Most of the times, these beliefs are buried so deep within our psyche that we are not aware of them but they are running in the background, providing excuses why we cannot or will not succeed in getting what we want. That is the subconscious mind at work.  In order to move forward you have to get rid of that background noise.  Check back tomorrow and I will give you some tips on how to sidestep those background noise and manifest the life of your dreams.

\Quotable Quote
We are all tattooed in our cradles with the beliefs of our tribe; the record may seem superficial, but it is indelible. You cannot educate a man wholly out of the superstitious fears which were implanted in his imagination, no matter how utterly his reason may reject them. - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Okay not everyday you can be Susie Sunshine

If you having a day when you feel you are not at your best, wanting to withdraw and nurse your wounds, go ahead and enjoy being in that space for a little while.  It is all part of life and like I have said before it is our interpretation or judgement of our feelings that makes them good or bad, right or wrong.  Anyway if you want to snap out of it, if it is your desire not to be in that space then I have a suggestion for you. I have tried it, others have tried it and it works.
Find someone to carry out a random act of kindness, go out push your boundary a little bit, smile at someone you do not know, talk to someone, give a beggar a little more than the usual 25 cents or a dollar, give a fiver or something more and watch their face light up and as their face light up you get to walk away with a little bit of that light in your heart and before you know it you've shifted out of that space.
You are so divinely loved and cared about

Quoteable quote
Kindness is helpful to the happiness of both recipient and giver. Who does not feel happier on showing kindness to others, and who does not feel happier on receiving the manifestation of kindness? Deeds of kindness shown in the little things of life constitute man's chief happiness. Many are not able to do any great things for others, but all can find abundant opportunity of showing little deeds of kindness which will add much to the happiness of mankind.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

How are you feeling today?

It's a beautiful day here in my neck of the woods. There are so much to be grateful for today. I am grateful for the beautiful sunshine, grateful for the peace of mind I am enjoying - no guns going off in the background,  no bombs, everything is calm.  I am grateful for the abundance that is flowing in my life. I have house, a car, food, I am healthy. Health is wealth my friends. What can you be grateful for today. I'd like to hear from you.

You are divinely loved  and cared for,

Close your eyes, take a couple deep breaths. Imagine there is a picture like this in a middle of field. Imagine you walk up to this picture and you stepped in the centre where it is marked "happiness here"
imagine that by stepping onto this centre you are transported to the place of your dream,  a place filled with the people and the things you love, you feel your heart beating with a song of love, you are totally at home here. Everything that you need is here right now. Imagine you have all that you need, imagine what would you be doing if you had all the money, the love, the food, the luxury cars, boats etc. what would you be doing. Go ahead do it. Take a deep breath and slowly open your eyes and see if you had an opening in your awareness - could it be what you were doing is what your real purpose is? let that sit with you for a while. Have a loving, fulfilled day.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Quotable Quote

People can motivate other people. A book can motivate. Money can motivate. But the best motivator is an idea!

How to let your ideas motivate you? Capture the idea. Write it down - in a notebook, on a post-it-note, or on your digital gadgets.

And then give the idea time to percolate and build momentum. Visualise the end result, the benefits and the feeling of accomplishing the idea.

If you really believe in the idea then let it motivate you into action. Start working on it - do something, otherwise, the idea won't go anywhere!

Diamond Rosary

I think this is a great quote and I encourage you to try it.
You are divinely loved.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Live your purpose

If you are like the average person you’re saying I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. We fall l into the trap of a job and work there for the rest of our working lives and bury our calling, our passion for the more practical business of feeding ourselves. And even though we might be successful at doing that we remain unfulfilled. Some dive into volunteer work to experience the satisfaction they miss in their work.  Most of the people who do tons of volunteer work are generally not satisfied with what they do for pay.  Finding our life’s purpose has not been part of our upbringing. We were steered into profession and vocations that would bring respect and admiration to our parents. Parents often push their children to do what would please them and also what they failed at doing.
What if asking a child on a regular basis what would you like to be when you grow up, what do you enjoy doing, what makes you forget about time? Listen to their children and observe them so that you can guide and help develop their passion. How would our world be different? The world would have been filled with happy, contented and well balanced people enjoying and appreciating what they do. Unfortunately we do not make life that simple. Here are five questions that Life Coach Lindsey Lewis suggests to uncover what you may be missing. It is never too late to find your purpose.
    What have you done in the past that fired you up? What didn’t fire you up but you did it because you   could not see any other way?
Write out 50 responses to the question: “What is my calling?” Put pen to paper and go! Do not pause or edit, and do not stop before you get to 50. Your calling will make itself known.
    Friends sometimes notice things about you that you try to ignore.
5.  Meditate on your life purpose
    Take a few deep breaths, relax, close your eyes and then place one or both hands on your heart, take a few more deep breaths and feel the connection. The heart knows everything. Ask your heart say: Heart, what is my life purpose, what should I be doing right now that would make me happy and contented, what did I take on this physical form to do?  Take another deep breath and slowly open your eyes. Drink some water and wait. The answer will pop out at you, sometimes in unusual ways.
You are deeply and divinely loved 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Start your day with gratitude

Find three things that you are grateful for right now and say quietly to yourself :
I am grateful for.......
I am grateful for....
I am grateful for..... and then say
Thank you God, Creator, Intelligent Being, Father-Mother God, whatever you see or feel is the all pervading benevolent spirit that dwells among or betwee or in each of us. Thank that and be aware of how you feel.

You are divinely loved and cared for.