Have you ever wanted something so badly that you could actually see it as clear as day, feel it inside of your body and just as it was about to manifest you sabotage your dream by doubting yourself that it is possible or doing something to put a halt to your expectation?
In every
religious tradition and
holy books there is the promise that if you seek you shall find, if you knock the door will open. In the
Bible and other religious traditions there is the promise that everything is possible, everything, not somethings but everything is possible for you - if you believe. Believing is the only condition that separates you from your dream? Why then it is so hard for us to believe in what we want and our ability to get it? What is that barrier? That bridge we must cross to get to the other side?
I have been thinking about this of late and listening to a variety of motivational/spiritual speakers and teachers and what I found is there is a
paradigm shift in the consciousness of the man in the street today. The knowledge that was once the province of the learned and people of privilege has found its way to the main street and we would be foolish not to at least give the idea a second look.
The new paradigm is not really new. These ideas have been around for a long time but was not accessible to the ordinary folks. Many of us have languished in dissatisfaction knowing in our heart of hearts that there must be a better way. We have allowed fear, deep conditioning (mind memes/viruses) and low self image to keep us from our birthright which is our right to live the life we were intended here for.
Ever since the book "
The Secret"came out many people have read it and think that they could achieve untold wealth, happiness and healing by wishful thinking. If it sounds too good to be true, it might be just that. There is a secret to the secret but it involves some serious involvement on your part.
If you study the richest people in the world, most of them were not born with a silver spoon in their mouths, they found a way to overcome their limiting or cultural beliefs and slip outside its boundaries and discovered what an abundant world this is and there is enough for everyone but if you do not reach out and take what you want no one is going to hand it to you on a platter. It's like the ocean is full of water and no matter if we all took a bucket it would not dry up because the water we use eventually returns to the ocean.
The new teaching is to think of what you want as energy because we are energy and we use our energy to exchange for what we want. Man has used money to represent energy, so we need money to exchange for what we desire. Since we are energy and we can use our energy to consciously create wha we want. First you create it in your imagination. Once you have a solid blueprint all you have to do is to execute according to plan and the universe will willingly supply you with all you need to make it happen. This is the story that is told over and over again. Why live a limited life even though we are light beings where time and space cannot keep us imprisoned. Break that lock, start thinking differently than the way you have been thinking.
First lesson is to watch your thoughts for three days, do not hold back, just notice where your thoughts actually go and make a note of it. You may want to write these thoughts down in a journal if you believe you will forget. After three days review the pattern that has emerged. Once you find out what you focus your
attention on, examine what shows up in your life. Some call this self-fulfilling prophecies as the saying goes, where attention goes energy flows. Why do we manifest what we do not want in our lives? It is precisely because we have focussed our attention of what we do not want. It is so much easier to be negative, we use our imagination so easily and effortlessly to manifest what we do not want. It is much harder to manifest what we want because we do not believe that our dreams can come true, we feel that positive thinking is wishful thinking and so we continue on our limiting path. It is a choice we make.
Are you ready to make a shift in your thinking? If you have seen the pattern of your thinking from the three day exercise and you would like to change and ready to take a chance on yourself I have some ideas which I would like to share with you. When you have some time you can listen to Deepak Chopra - he is one of the teachers for whom I have the greatest respect. If you want to join this twenty-one-day experiment to change your thinking pattern respond to this post and lets me on our way.
Will check back with you in three days. To participate join this site and let's work together. Thank you.