Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunny Sunday

Today I am grateful for the sunshine that flows effortlessly and equally on all who choose to partake of it. This reminds me of the abundant universe that we live it. Do you believe that you live in an abundant universe and whatever you need is there for the taking?  The lack we experience is the limitation of our imagination.
The nature of the universe is expansion. Observe the seed which bursts forth into a flower, a plant a tree, observe the baby that keeps on growing and multiplying, observe the ocean from which water constantly rise and ebb only to rise a little higher the next time. One of the laws of the universe is growth.   The abundance is there for everyone.  The ocean does not care if you take a thimble full of water or a tanker full - it does not care but only what you take you will have. 

Abundance is not something we acquire; it is something we tune into. Dr. Wayne Dyer

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