Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Feel this young man's passion
Thanks to the internet, we can enjoy humans everywhere in the world.
Thanks to the internet, we can enjoy humans everywhere in the world.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Saturday, January 11, 2014
How to Experience
the Perfection of What Is
Written by Jafree Ozwald
Written by Jafree Ozwald
"I'm a
lover of reality. When I argue with What Is, I lose, but only 100% of the time."
~ Byron Katie
The greatest beauty of life is that whatever is happening right now is absolutely perfect as it is. With all of our perceived imperfections about ourselves and others, those flaws and frailties are needed on the most intimate levels. Yes, I know that this may be hard for you to believe, yet if you think about it, how could the Universe create something that is not supposed to be. The Greatest Reality we can experience is to see this perfection and surrender to it. Perfection by definition means that no matter what we think, life is always exactly the way it should be. Everything is happening on schedule at the right time and place, especially if we think things arrive early or late! There is a divine timing behind all action and to allow yourself to accept this deeply brings out the deepest experiences of inner peace inside.
Every person, situation, incident, and desire contains this perfection. Every thought form that passes through your mind is needed as much as every grain of sand on the beach is required to make the beach whole and complete. There is nothing missing from life. Each moment is whole and complete unto itself. The world is just like a gigantic hologram. If you cut it in half, you will still see the entire full picture. You cannot divine life into parts and say this part of my life is perfect, and this part was not. When the ego likes something, and dislikes something else, it thinks that there's something that is missing, or is imperfect. This is simply the ego's way of remaining in control of your reality. By creating a perspective that makes you feel small and limited, one day you'll have to release that perspective and return to being vast and unlimited.
"The true
heart of all human beings is the lover of what is." ~
Your ego mind is constantly fighting reality. It's trying to change it in favor of some perceived future that looks better, juicier, richer, and more abundant. It is in a constant quest to improve "what is" keeping Reality at bay, and resisting the feeling that perfection is in the now moment. Your ego cannot see the beauty of "what is" because it is not fully present to this now. The ego can only survive by focusing on the future or past storyline which covers up the divine truth of the present moment. Once you're devoted to "being here now" and dropping the mind completely in its place, then Reality will find you and devour your suffering.
Most people spend very little time free from worry and fear, and relaxing into the perfection of the here and now. They miss the beauty, the opportunities, and the love that life is presenting them. When life becomes a relentless search to fulfill the ego's desires, then true bliss and deep peace is never experienced. This endless search is what keeps you in a perpetual state of challenge, suffering and frustration. After many many years of trying to achieve the ego's desires, you might see that there are always more there. When you become wise or frustrated enough, one day you'll resign from trying sooo hard to fulfill your desires. That is the day that inner peace and perhaps enlightenment will find you.
"We live the
perfect process created by the Universe, and we do that perfectly whether we
realize it or not." ~ Osho
To stop this
endless search that is bringing you pain is simple. Just remain open and
curious about the now moment. Curiosity is your way out of suffering. By
turning your attention towards the now moment, you awake from your ego's story
and begin to perceive what really is occurring and not what you thought was
occurring. These are two very different things. Simple start by asking yourself,
"What is the truth about what is happening right now?" "What am I really
seeing?" "What am I really feeling?" "Who am I really?" Get really curious about
what you are perceiving. It takes curiosity to pierce the veils of your ego's
illusions. As you ask these questions, the ego mind gets caught up in wondering
about the truth of the "now" moment versus judging "what is" from its very
narrow perspective. This loosens the ego's grip on its fantasy stories and
allows you to begin to tap deeper into the truth of your being.
"Everything is
perfect in the universe, even your desire to improve it."
~ Wayne Dyer
You naturally
awaken to the perfection of the now moment when you tap into that Divinity that
resides at your core. Your Divine infinite nature inherently knows and feels
that each experience is perfect. Your Divine Self does not judge experiences, it
just sees them for what they are, moments in time where you get to play at being
human. Your infinite Divine Self believes that all experiences that the Universe
sends your way are complete and whole simply because they exist. There is no
wanting to change "what is". There is simply a deep feeling of bliss,
thankfulness, and acceptance of "what is" in all its myriads of
Paradoxically, completely acknowledging and accepting the perfection of what is happening in your world dramatically shifts your ability to manifest more abundance and goodies into your life. When you drop into the perfection of "what is", you don't need to or even want to change anything about your reality. You see it for its beauty, and have no attachment to what is happening. This attitude of complete acceptance and surrender is very expansive and carries a high vibrational frequency which in turn manifests back to you matching high frequency experiences. When you see the perfection of the now moment, you automatically begin to create even more abundance in your energy field since all you see is how amazing your life already is
Friday, January 10, 2014
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Monday, January 6, 2014
It's a New Year - Wishing you all the very best.
We look here and there to find that one special person we can call our soul mate. Sometimes we find that person and other times we settle for the next best thing just so that we are not alone in life. What if you do not have to settle, what if there is someone waiting just for you but all you need is to be guided to them? Here is an article below that will help you in this quest. Please take a moment to read and be guided thereby. Keep an open mind. You are divinely loved How to Manifest your Dream Guy or Girl Written by Jafree Ozwald www.EnlightenedBeings.com "A soul mate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we’re pretending to be." ~ Richard Bach You deserve to be with someone who compliments you, who treats you like royalty and lifts you up with great gentleness when you are down. You could call this other person your best friend, dream lover or perhaps your "Enlightening Soul Mate". What qualifies someone to resonate with you at this caliber is the profound intimate spiritual connection you have with them. There is a natural synchronicity between you, and you have the feeling that the days are truly timeless together. Upon your first meeting you may feel as if you have known each other for many years or lifetimes, and you probably have. You may also feel like you can share anything you are experiencing in your life without editing your words or holding back in any way. There is this simple presence together, and a closeness that allows you to relax with this person and fully be yourself. You may not believe this, yet there is at least one person on the planet right now who totally fits this description of being your soul mate. The good news is that you don't have to struggle, strive and search on internet dating sites for years to locate this person. You have a natural manifesting power inside you that will attract this divine enlightened connection quicker than you think! When you are living with love, joy and appreciation in your heart and you've healed all your past relationship wounding, you become a manifesting magnet for the mate of your dreams! There are many magical things that can miraculously manifest when you open your mind and heart to love. When you are truly surrendered to love, to the source of love within you 24 hours a day, this divine soul connection will spontaneously appear in the most unsuspecting way. "An optimist is a person who sees a green light everywhere, while a pessimist sees only the red stoplight. The truly wise person is color-blind." ~Albert Schweitzer So are you ready to meet your soul mate this week? If not, what are you afraid of? What is really stopping you from being open to this possibility? Often the negative unhealed experiences from the past will block your heart from opening again to trust in love. This fear can create a protective wall around your heart that may blind you from seeing if your soul mate was standing right in front of you. If your heart is still holding onto previous wounds and negative memories from past relationships, you might feel that it's TOO dangerous to trust in love and think its safer to hide behind this wall. The interesting thing is that the walls that are formed around the heart will numb the feelings of pain AND any sensation of being loved. These inner walls block both the positive and negative feelings, leaving you completely unable to have a personal intimate relationship. When this occurs there is only one way out. The key is to let down your guard, be real with yourself and trust the healing process of loving you just as you are. "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." ~Dalai Lama Even though you are a sensitive being and may not think you have a steel blockade around your heart, you can always choose to practice letting in even more love. The melting and healing of the smallest self-sabotaging thoughts that arise can allow for buckets of deep joy to pour into your heart. One of the greatest keys to manifesting an enlightened loving being is radical honesty with yourself. Ask yourself, "How far along am I on my spiritual path?". One simple gauge for this is noticing the level of compassion you have for yourself, your beloved, and everyone else in the world. If you have tremendous love, respect and gentleness with yourself, you are making it 1000 times easier for others to find love for you. A heart overflowing with constant compassion for yourself and others becomes a giant magnet for attracting that enlightened divine lover from your outer world. The greatest blessing of all, is when this inner gentleness becomes a addictive habit, and you become the healing master of your life. "Soul mates are people who bring out the best in you. They are not perfect but are always perfect for you." ~ Author Unknown If you'd like to experience a dramatic shift in your ability to attract your soul mate to you, today is your lucky day! I have created a NEW Enlightening Guided Manifesting Meditation Experience that will help you to heal your heart and raise your vibration so that you attract your soul mate into your life! This experience will reprogram your subconscious mind to naturally attract your soul mate with effortless ease. You will remove the walls around your heart so you are ready to receive the love life of your dreams! This is your chance to open your heart and soul with this new ability to trust life, experience deep love and true connection in an intimate relationship. Enjoy!
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