An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why
must the pessimist always run to blow it out?
Rene Descartes
Looking on the bright side of life is a characteristic of an optimist. They are good at turning lemons into lemonade or making the most of a bad situation. Some people call these optimists unrealistic, living in lala land, out of touch with reality. It is as if being optimistic is synonymous with embracing negativity.
I am am optimist. I know that what I think I create in my life,. Why would I want to create things that I do not want to be part of my life. If by thinking positive I feel better why would I not choose that.
I want to feel good and feeling good means thinking good thoughts. It's about accepting the things I cannot change and have the courage to change the things I can.
There is research that shows clearly that people who are optimists get over illnesses better, they have a higher chance of surviving life threatening diseases, so clearly it is not just thinking positively, something more is going on here. Our thoughts affect our quantum field in a positive or negative way.
Looking on the bright side of life is a characteristic of an optimist. They are good at turning lemons into lemonade or making the most of a bad situation. Some people call these optimists unrealistic, living in lala land, out of touch with reality. It is as if being optimistic is synonymous with embracing negativity.
I am am optimist. I know that what I think I create in my life,. Why would I want to create things that I do not want to be part of my life. If by thinking positive I feel better why would I not choose that.
I want to feel good and feeling good means thinking good thoughts. It's about accepting the things I cannot change and have the courage to change the things I can.
There is research that shows clearly that people who are optimists get over illnesses better, they have a higher chance of surviving life threatening diseases, so clearly it is not just thinking positively, something more is going on here. Our thoughts affect our quantum field in a positive or negative way.
“If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.” John Heywood
In the quote above, it says if you can change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change for the better. It is all a matter of perspective. There are always choices to be made, how you choose to view a situation. You can say oh poor me, nothing good is ever goiing to happen to me, there are no miracles for me etc. etc. or you can say tomorrow things will be better. You can choose to always look at possibilities rather than limitations. You will be a lot happier for it.
The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.
The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill
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