An idea is a message that pops into your head.
Sometimes it appears the message comes from out of the blue and other times it
is like a flash of insight, an answer to question that you have been pondering
Some call this tapping into the mind of the universe to
which we are all connected or attached like a tributary of a river.
Not all ideas are meant to be acted upon, not all ideas
are your own, and some are just thoughts floating by like twigs in a stream.
You act upon an idea that is insistent; it comes back
to you with an urging for you to act. If after several promptings you do
nothing then that idea may move to someone else who might act upon it, someone
who is more receptive.
And then, when you see that idea made manifest you
would same to others or to yourself, boy, I had that idea and I should have
acted upon it but alas, it is too late. According to Debra Poneman, a spiritual
woman who developed the Yes to Success Program, an idea comes to you because it
wants to be manifested by you and not by someone else but if you pay not heed
to it because that idea has to be manifested in the world it will just go to
someone else and make that person very rich or very happy or both.
“This idea comes to you, you can see it, but to
accomplish it you need what I call a "setup." For example, you may
need a working shop or a working painting studio. You may be a working music
studio. Or a computer room where you can write something. It's crucial to have
a setup, so that, at any given moment, when you get an idea, you have the place
and the tools to make it happen. If you don't have a setup, there are many
times when you get the inspiration, the idea, but you have no tools, no place
to put it together. And the idea just sits there and festers. Overtime, it will
go away. You didn't fulfill it--and that's just heartache.” ― David Lynch, Catching the Big Fish: Meditation,
Consciousness, and Creativity
BAW (C)2014 A-Z challenge
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