You are the master of your universe. Would you accept and allow yourself to be master to be the master of your life? yes (say yes out loud.) You are a miraculous entity in the universe would you allow yourself to embrace that miraculous energy that is you Yes? whatever wrongness, badness, limitations, judgements you have been dragging around like a ball on a chain that have held you back from stepping into your fullness of being, that wonderful, miraculous divine mystery, that perfection, would you allow yourself to let that all go in this moment, let it all go, let it all fall away in this moment? Yes? Can you feel that heaviness dripping off you like oil over duck's back? and would you accept that all that stuckness never belonged to you? Yes? Wow have a miraculous, wonderful, energizing, confident, self-loving, self-caring day.><
"Love yourself and be awake - today, tomorrow, always. First establish yourself in the way, then teach others, and so defeat sorrow. To straighten the crooked you must first do a harder thing, straighten yourself. You are the only master. Who else? Subdue yourself, and discover your master." ~Buddha You are divinely loved and cared about.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Journey of Life
Every soul is divinely guided through this great journey in life by a higher Presence and purpose. This greater Universal intelligence holds the container for us to work, play and create anything we want with our lives. You are truly free to create anything you want, yet just as an oak seed is destined to become a full grown tree, you are meant to grow up into living a joyful successful life that you love! You are destined to evolve beyond your limitations. Your soul is connected with the greatest Source of Love, so you have the opportunity to feel more loved, abundance, inner peace, joy, and bliss than ever before! Your life can only get better when you accept this as fact. Take a deep breath and inhale this enlightening information into your heart right now.
Jaffree Ozwald - Enlightened Beings
You are divinely loved and cared about
Jaffree Ozwald - Enlightened Beings
You are divinely loved and cared about
Monday, July 29, 2013
What is on your mind today?
I am feeling wonderful even this late in the evening. I had a great day. Got a lot done at work and connected with some nice folks at work. It is nice to go to work where you feel like you are meeting family. I am grateful for such an uplifting work environment. I hope you are enjoying the same wherever you are. If you are retired, I hope you have a community of friends or volunteer to have regular communion.
We had sun, refreshing warm air and traffic this morning was smooth. No hold-up just green lights.
Do you know whatever you have on your mind is what going to show up in your life. So what's on your mind. Are you focusing on what you want or what you do not want. I suggest make a flip if that's what you are doing. Start focusing on what you want, feel the emotions of having whatever it is and hold it for for a day or so and watch what happens.
Harrison Klein, who is supposedly one of the most enlightened visionary of our time said in a recent lecture that we get we attract not what we want. To get what we attract we have to vibrate at the same level as that which we seek. He said we are energy; everything is energy - light, colours, the chair. When we are vibrating at a high level we are light, joyous, peaceful but when we operating at a low vibrational level. What do you have to lose... really. Let's raise our vibrational level today.
You are divinely loved and cared about
We had sun, refreshing warm air and traffic this morning was smooth. No hold-up just green lights.
Do you know whatever you have on your mind is what going to show up in your life. So what's on your mind. Are you focusing on what you want or what you do not want. I suggest make a flip if that's what you are doing. Start focusing on what you want, feel the emotions of having whatever it is and hold it for for a day or so and watch what happens.
Harrison Klein, who is supposedly one of the most enlightened visionary of our time said in a recent lecture that we get we attract not what we want. To get what we attract we have to vibrate at the same level as that which we seek. He said we are energy; everything is energy - light, colours, the chair. When we are vibrating at a high level we are light, joyous, peaceful but when we operating at a low vibrational level. What do you have to lose... really. Let's raise our vibrational level today.
You are divinely loved and cared about
Contemplation – focusing on a single thought and asking questions about how this quote applies or can apply to your life. The contemplation should last 5 minutes and ONLY focus on a single quote and deeply think about it’s meaning, what it means to you, how you can use it, how it can help you. Keep creating deeper questions. If you can answer the question quickly go deeper. At some point you should “stump” yourself and have to wait for the answer. This is contemplation. Frank Emerson Waldo
Sunday, July 28, 2013
How are you my beautiful friends - Sunny Sunday
I'm up I am grateful for my life. I live an abundant life - there is food in the fridge, golden sunshine, I feel great, no pains, no aches, no nothing just being me. That feels right.
I intend to water my plants soon , have a bite to eat maybe some Saskatoon pancake (saskatoons from by backyard) a nice cuppa tea and then I will head out to the Forks. The Forks is a meeting place. People have portaged there many moons ago and that spirit of friendship and sharing are always present in this space. There are good spirits there and that's why I love to hang out there. A bonus is that tonight is Salsa night we get to shake our bodies and learn some new moves Latin dancing styles. It am forever grateful and I say a bit thank you to the universe.
So what is your day going to be like? What kind of day are you going to create for yourself? Whatever it is you are going to experienced it.
There are no good and bad right and wrong - there are just ebbs and flows. That's life. Watch the tide, it goes out and then it comes in, sometimes it is high and other times it is low but the cycle never stops because it is life. How would it feel if we look at life in this way and place no judgement on our emotions - what would that me like, I wonder. How about if you trying practicing this today and see how you feel.
You are so divinely loved and cared for
Every thought, action, decision or feeling creates an eddy in the interlocking, interbalancing, ever-moving energy fields of life, leaving a permanent record for all of time. This realization can be intimidating when it first dawns on us, but it becomes a springboard for rapid evolution.
Dr. David Hawkins
I intend to water my plants soon , have a bite to eat maybe some Saskatoon pancake (saskatoons from by backyard) a nice cuppa tea and then I will head out to the Forks. The Forks is a meeting place. People have portaged there many moons ago and that spirit of friendship and sharing are always present in this space. There are good spirits there and that's why I love to hang out there. A bonus is that tonight is Salsa night we get to shake our bodies and learn some new moves Latin dancing styles. It am forever grateful and I say a bit thank you to the universe.
So what is your day going to be like? What kind of day are you going to create for yourself? Whatever it is you are going to experienced it.
There are no good and bad right and wrong - there are just ebbs and flows. That's life. Watch the tide, it goes out and then it comes in, sometimes it is high and other times it is low but the cycle never stops because it is life. How would it feel if we look at life in this way and place no judgement on our emotions - what would that me like, I wonder. How about if you trying practicing this today and see how you feel.
You are so divinely loved and cared for
Every thought, action, decision or feeling creates an eddy in the interlocking, interbalancing, ever-moving energy fields of life, leaving a permanent record for all of time. This realization can be intimidating when it first dawns on us, but it becomes a springboard for rapid evolution.
Dr. David Hawkins
Saturday, July 27, 2013
It's a beautiful Sunday morning
How are you my beloved friends? Still in bed, up and having a cup of coffee, gone to work or just like me checking out FB and keep up with your blogger. I am so happy with myself that I want you to be just as happy or even more - maybe bliss.
Bliss is a kind of happiness that feels good, feels right and feels expansive. Why does this elude so many of us. We chase happiness and it slips away from us like in a hide and seek game. I have been listening to a woman called Tania Prince. She developed a heart centred approach triggers heart coherence or resonance.
The heart is more than just a pump which sends blood throughout our body. It has its own nervous system and sends signals around the body. This has been proven by scientists. When your heart is in a state of coherence or resonance it attracts stuff to us that helps us to be in that beautiful, happy place.
Tania said that stress upsets the natural flow of the heart and sometimes we need to practice inner re- patterning which allows our brains and our hearts to be in resonance. below is a simple exercise you could do to switch off stress and experience calm and bliss. The exercise releases us from our flight or flight response which stresses our bodies and spirit. Try this - it is easy and effective. I have tried it.
2. put you hands in front of yourself shoulder height palm to palm and look at the tips of your fingers and focus on that point with your eyes.
3. As you focus on that point bring your hands to the sides of your head roughly about 10 inches away from your ears and wiggle your fingers.
4. While you wiggle your fingers bring your awareness out to the sides of your head to your wriggling fingers while focusing in front of you. You keep your eyes forward but keep your focus on your peripheral vision.
5. You would begin to notice your vision expanding, you will begin to experience your peripheral vision and you will begin to feel relaxed. (Your eyes are connected to the nervous system)
6. You soften up the focus of your eyes– there should be no strain in your eyes (if you have strain you are not doing it right) - should be a very soft focus and as you do that you should notice your vision begin to expand, wider and as your vision expands you will notice that you become quieter within you as you begin to feel quieter inside you you become more still within yourself.
Have fun with it - do it for a few times and watch your energy shift. Hope you enjoy it. You can do this whenever you are feeling a little stressed. Do this is a safe place, not while driving or doing manual work of any kind.
You are divinely loved and cared about

(Mike Blank - Yosemite's rainbow)
Bliss is a kind of happiness that feels good, feels right and feels expansive. Why does this elude so many of us. We chase happiness and it slips away from us like in a hide and seek game. I have been listening to a woman called Tania Prince. She developed a heart centred approach triggers heart coherence or resonance.
The heart is more than just a pump which sends blood throughout our body. It has its own nervous system and sends signals around the body. This has been proven by scientists. When your heart is in a state of coherence or resonance it attracts stuff to us that helps us to be in that beautiful, happy place.
Tania said that stress upsets the natural flow of the heart and sometimes we need to practice inner re- patterning which allows our brains and our hearts to be in resonance. below is a simple exercise you could do to switch off stress and experience calm and bliss. The exercise releases us from our flight or flight response which stresses our bodies and spirit. Try this - it is easy and effective. I have tried it.
Exercise to switch off stress
1. Look into
the distance with your eyes 2. put you hands in front of yourself shoulder height palm to palm and look at the tips of your fingers and focus on that point with your eyes.
3. As you focus on that point bring your hands to the sides of your head roughly about 10 inches away from your ears and wiggle your fingers.
4. While you wiggle your fingers bring your awareness out to the sides of your head to your wriggling fingers while focusing in front of you. You keep your eyes forward but keep your focus on your peripheral vision.
5. You would begin to notice your vision expanding, you will begin to experience your peripheral vision and you will begin to feel relaxed. (Your eyes are connected to the nervous system)
6. You soften up the focus of your eyes– there should be no strain in your eyes (if you have strain you are not doing it right) - should be a very soft focus and as you do that you should notice your vision begin to expand, wider and as your vision expands you will notice that you become quieter within you as you begin to feel quieter inside you you become more still within yourself.
Have fun with it - do it for a few times and watch your energy shift. Hope you enjoy it. You can do this whenever you are feeling a little stressed. Do this is a safe place, not while driving or doing manual work of any kind.
You are divinely loved and cared about

(Mike Blank - Yosemite's rainbow)
Friday, July 26, 2013
Quotable Quote
“It looks as if there were a single ultimate goal for mankind, a far goal toward which all persons strive. This is called variously by different authors self-actualization, self-realization, integration, psychological health, individuation, autonomy, creativity, productivity, but they all agree that this amounts to realizing the potentialities of the person, that is to say, becoming fully human, everything that person can be.”
― Abraham Harold Maslow
A gift to you my beloved friends.
You are truly cared for and divinelyloved
― Abraham Harold Maslow
A gift to you my beloved friends.
You are truly cared for and divinelyloved
My dear and awesome friends
How are you doing this beautiful Saturday evening. Just returned from a fabulous workshop called Access Bars. I had as great day - it's about tapping into energy points around the head to release blockage. It was a new experience and I felt I benefited a lot.
Anyway, here we are and one of the biggest blocks we seem to have is around finances. Everyone wants some more and most of us think we do not have enough and maybe we do not deserve enough and maybe we got this message from important people around us since we were babies or little children. We then own these feelings as our own but once we become conscious that some of the ideas we have are not our own and they are in fact keep us from living the life we were born to live, maybe we can let them go. This access bars workshop that I attended helps with this removal but you can also move energy with your thoughts. Everything is energy including your thoughts. Change your thoughts change your mind. That is try my beloved friends, work on thinking right - here's a quote by Deepak Chopra one of the fathers of the new age movement/spirituality:
Choosing a belief system that cultivates abundance is crucial. But how do we do it? The simplest way to look at this—and also the most productive—is to recognize that you are always processing your life. There is input and output, forming a feedback loop. Input is the term for all the experiences that come your way during the day, while output is all your responses: your thoughts, words and actions. You are the one who oversees both. You sift through the input, evaluate it and take what you like, while rejecting what you don't like. Nothing is more crucial than your contribution to the feedback loop: You are the one who colors everything that comes your way, using intention, belief, expectation, wishes, hopes, dreams and fears. No input is neutral, because you are emotionally invested in your experiences. At the other end of the process, when you produce output, you again color it the same way. Your thoughts, words and actions indicate how involved you are in your life. Thus the circle of personal reality is shaped, every minute of every day.
Abundance reveals itself when you build a feedback loop that can accept and build upon what life has to offer. Look at the familiar story of lottery winners who are worse off 10 years after their sudden windfall. Why? Because they couldn't adapt. They processed life on a limited scale, and suddenly they were asked to process millions of dollars, massive attention, public exposure and the demands of people around them. Unless you have prepared the way, abundance itself can turn into a drain on you. The secret is to constantly build in small steps, taking advantage of small victories by using them to create your own belief system, one that can accept higher and higher levels of opportunity.
You are divinely loved and cared for
Anyway, here we are and one of the biggest blocks we seem to have is around finances. Everyone wants some more and most of us think we do not have enough and maybe we do not deserve enough and maybe we got this message from important people around us since we were babies or little children. We then own these feelings as our own but once we become conscious that some of the ideas we have are not our own and they are in fact keep us from living the life we were born to live, maybe we can let them go. This access bars workshop that I attended helps with this removal but you can also move energy with your thoughts. Everything is energy including your thoughts. Change your thoughts change your mind. That is try my beloved friends, work on thinking right - here's a quote by Deepak Chopra one of the fathers of the new age movement/spirituality:
Choosing a belief system that cultivates abundance is crucial. But how do we do it? The simplest way to look at this—and also the most productive—is to recognize that you are always processing your life. There is input and output, forming a feedback loop. Input is the term for all the experiences that come your way during the day, while output is all your responses: your thoughts, words and actions. You are the one who oversees both. You sift through the input, evaluate it and take what you like, while rejecting what you don't like. Nothing is more crucial than your contribution to the feedback loop: You are the one who colors everything that comes your way, using intention, belief, expectation, wishes, hopes, dreams and fears. No input is neutral, because you are emotionally invested in your experiences. At the other end of the process, when you produce output, you again color it the same way. Your thoughts, words and actions indicate how involved you are in your life. Thus the circle of personal reality is shaped, every minute of every day.
Abundance reveals itself when you build a feedback loop that can accept and build upon what life has to offer. Look at the familiar story of lottery winners who are worse off 10 years after their sudden windfall. Why? Because they couldn't adapt. They processed life on a limited scale, and suddenly they were asked to process millions of dollars, massive attention, public exposure and the demands of people around them. Unless you have prepared the way, abundance itself can turn into a drain on you. The secret is to constantly build in small steps, taking advantage of small victories by using them to create your own belief system, one that can accept higher and higher levels of opportunity.
You are divinely loved and cared for
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Quotable Quote
Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
Joseph Campbell
Quotable Quotes
Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.
Joseph Campbell
Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution.”
― Deepak Chopra
Ponder these quotes and have a wonderful Tuesday. You are one day away from the middle of the week.
I love you so much. Thanks for dropping by.
You are divinely loved and cared about.
An attempt at capturing the majesty of full moon from planet earth
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Hello Sunshines It's Saturday

You are divinely loved, have a great day - find a farmer's market and get some fresh goodies there and support your local economy. It is good for you and good for your community.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Happy birthday Nelson Mandela
95th birthday Papa Mandela. What a man. After 27 years in jail most of which in solitary confinement, he walked out with a transformed heart, not to seek revenge but to work in solidarity with his enemies to build a better South Africa for both the blacks and the whites. In my book this man is a saint.
If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner. Nelson Mandela
Quotable Quote
"All things are created twice.
There's a mental or first creation,
and a physical or second creation to all things.
Begin with the end in mind." ~ Stephen Covey
Isn't fascinating that you can do your creation in your mind. It's like your mind is a workshop where you create the model and after it is finished you bring it into the material world. Why don't you try visualizing something, something simple, think about it, go through the process of achieving it and then do it and see how you do. For me whenever I am going to do a presentation, I rehearse it in my mind. I visualize my audience, loving me and paying attention to what I have to say, I visualize myself saying exactly what touches the heart of my audience and believe you, I kid you not my presentation goes so well I cannot believe the magic myself. Afterwards people will come up and congratulate me and compliment me.
Give it a try, not something big, something little to start.
You are divinely loved
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Quotable Quote
Courage is the most important of all the virtues, because without courage you can't practice any other virtue consistently. You can practice any virtue erratically, but nothing consistently without courage.
I am up pretty late tonight 12:03 and I getting ready to go to bed while listening to some soothing music to take me into dreamland. I wish you wonderful peaceful sleep.
I bless you with peace, prosperity, happiness and health.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Quotable Quote
"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time." -- T.S. Eliot
It's Tuesday and I am feeling great. The sun has just poked its head out and there is a certain calm in the air. I am at peace even though I know there are storms brewing everywhere. I do not feel that. Inside of me there is a sanctuary that is peace. I hope you find your own peace.
You are divinely loved and cared for
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time." -- T.S. Eliot
It's Tuesday and I am feeling great. The sun has just poked its head out and there is a certain calm in the air. I am at peace even though I know there are storms brewing everywhere. I do not feel that. Inside of me there is a sanctuary that is peace. I hope you find your own peace.
You are divinely loved and cared for
Monday, July 15, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
My beloved friends
I wrote this post and somehow it disappeared off the radar. I thought I posted it. My computer must be playing a game on me. Anyway I will try to remember what I wrote.
I was saying that I awoke to three things which the social media says is important and maybe the are. First is the unfortunate death of Canadian star of Glee hit show - Cory Monteith, secondly the diagnosis of cancer of the sweet Kyle Massey, many would remember from Dancing with the Star and thirdly the verdict of not guilty in the death of Trayvon Martin. Three very interesting turn of events.
Many people express anger, sadness and grief on Face book and other social media. I am not immune from it but with the verdict of not guilty found on the basis that Mr. Zimmerman feared for his life. It sounds to be that is too easy. Just because I feared for my life I have the permission to kill someone. Zimmerman is a burly, big guy and Trayvon is a young skinny lad and unarmed. Anyway there is always a lot going on but I try not to get too caught up in the drama of human plays. We are all actors in the play of life.
In spite of what's happening out there we can choose peace, happiness and joy, in spite of the terrible things that appears to be happening. We have to know that everything that happens is one thing and our reaction and interpretation of it is another thing. According to Dr. Wayne Dyer who does not believe in getting into the drama of daily life if it makes you feel bad and depressed because he says if by being mad, depressed, sad or vengeful would solve the problem he would encourage all of us to go that route. Our reaction does not change anything except makes our mood sour. But what if we could raise the vibration of the world by meditating, saying a prayer, cultivate random acts of kindness and see beauty everywhere, and that could make a difference to how we feel and how we react to each other, wouldn't it be better to do that? I am saying this prayer for the world today - it is an Hawaiian prayer - May you be safe, may you be healthy, may you be happy, may you live with ease -. I say this to all my relations - the two legged animals, the four legged animals, those that fly and those that crawl upon the earth. And so it is. I encourage you to do the same.
You are divinely loved and cared for.
Quotable quote
“There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must of felt what it is to die, Morrel, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life.
" Live, then, and be happy, beloved children of my heart, and never forget, that until the day God will deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in these two words, 'Wait and Hope.”
― Alexandre Dumas
I was saying that I awoke to three things which the social media says is important and maybe the are. First is the unfortunate death of Canadian star of Glee hit show - Cory Monteith, secondly the diagnosis of cancer of the sweet Kyle Massey, many would remember from Dancing with the Star and thirdly the verdict of not guilty in the death of Trayvon Martin. Three very interesting turn of events.
Many people express anger, sadness and grief on Face book and other social media. I am not immune from it but with the verdict of not guilty found on the basis that Mr. Zimmerman feared for his life. It sounds to be that is too easy. Just because I feared for my life I have the permission to kill someone. Zimmerman is a burly, big guy and Trayvon is a young skinny lad and unarmed. Anyway there is always a lot going on but I try not to get too caught up in the drama of human plays. We are all actors in the play of life.
In spite of what's happening out there we can choose peace, happiness and joy, in spite of the terrible things that appears to be happening. We have to know that everything that happens is one thing and our reaction and interpretation of it is another thing. According to Dr. Wayne Dyer who does not believe in getting into the drama of daily life if it makes you feel bad and depressed because he says if by being mad, depressed, sad or vengeful would solve the problem he would encourage all of us to go that route. Our reaction does not change anything except makes our mood sour. But what if we could raise the vibration of the world by meditating, saying a prayer, cultivate random acts of kindness and see beauty everywhere, and that could make a difference to how we feel and how we react to each other, wouldn't it be better to do that? I am saying this prayer for the world today - it is an Hawaiian prayer - May you be safe, may you be healthy, may you be happy, may you live with ease -. I say this to all my relations - the two legged animals, the four legged animals, those that fly and those that crawl upon the earth. And so it is. I encourage you to do the same.
You are divinely loved and cared for.
Quotable quote
“There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness. We must of felt what it is to die, Morrel, that we may appreciate the enjoyments of life.
" Live, then, and be happy, beloved children of my heart, and never forget, that until the day God will deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in these two words, 'Wait and Hope.”
― Alexandre Dumas
21 day Challenge
I have decided to suspend this challenge until I hear from someone. If even one person express interest I will continue. No point in gifting something that is not appreciated at this time. Just in case you are wondering.
You are divinely loved and cared for.
Quotable Quote
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
― Gautama Buddha
You are divinely loved and cared for.
Quotable Quote
“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
― Gautama Buddha
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
My beloved friends
How are you today? Hope our friends in Toronto are a little drier. The universe has a wonderful sense of humour. It is teaching us what is important and what is not and how little we can survive on. Is thee any excess baggage you want to shake off today. Look around your closet, in your home, in the office - are there any dead weights - things that hang around with no apparent purpose. It is a good day to get rid of them. Call a charity right now and make plans to pass them along. See how lighter you feel after you put down the phone.
You are deeply loved and guided
You are deeply loved and guided
Quotable quote
"People are like stained-glass windows, they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within." ~ Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Monday, July 8, 2013
Hey You,
It’s Monday again and what a fabulous Monday. I am pumped and ready to go for the week. I am filled with gratitude for my overall wellness and the abundance which flows easily and effortlessly in my life. How about you, just how are you doing this gorgeous day. Are you filling yourself with love, gratitude and abundance?
Now, some of you might think that when I speak of abundance I am speaking of money only but for me abundance is much broader than mere money. My good health, peace of mind, food on my table, a job to provide my basic needs are signs that I am living in abundance. Have you ever heard a millionaire say I’ve give anything to be healthy? Money cannot buy you health – so if you are healthy today you are more than a millionaire who is ill.
What I need you to do is to savour your blessings or good fortune. Try to feel consistently great by living in a state of gratitude.
Honestly my life is almost magical. I live in the stream of consciousness all the time and I think of something and it shows up, little things, I may misplace something and I am trying the universe to present to me and another item might fall somewhere and in looking for that I find what I originally misplaced. Sometimes I laugh at the magic of life. I laugh and say thank you, thank you, thank you. I must say “thank you” fifty times a day. When this happens I feel even better.
I encourage you to practice the art of gratitude. Say thank you as many times as you experience something to be thankful for. Look for reasons to be grateful and after a while it becomes second nature and things beginning to flow effortlessly and easily into your life.
Have a wonderful Monday.
You are truly divinely loved and cared about
Quotable Quote
“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quotes (German Playwright, Poet, Novelist and Dramatist. 1749-1832)
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Quotable Quote
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
—Henry David Thoreau
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Twenty-one-day challenge - instalment 2
Okay so you've been watching and recording your thoughts over the past few days. Have you discovered a pattern? In most cases many of you will find that you keep on thinking basically the same things everyday a lot of the time and you might say to yourself, my gosh I am a boring person. We are creatures of patterns. We fall into a comfortable pattern and we stay there and become stuck. After a while whatever we are thinking about becomes hardwired in our brains and we interpret our thoughts as the absolute truth. Successful people are not stuck into a patterned thinking, they are always reaching, seeking, imagining other scenario's to get them where they want to get. Disappointments are seen as obstacles on the course to their destination. They fall down and delight in getting up again learning from their experience.
Were your thoughts supportive of what you want to accomplish. For example if you are trying to create a new car for yourself, have you be thinking of ways you can accomplish that or have you been thinking or saying to yourself, "Oh no, I can't afford it" "I don't deserve it" I can't justify spending that much money on a new car for myself" or "what if I lose my job" looking at the worst possible scenarios. Have you been thinking a lot of "nos" or a lot of "yeses"
I want you to find the pattern in your thinking and I want you to flip the switch for three days. For three days begin saying more "yeses" even if you feel like saying no. I would like you to try eliminating "no and can't" from your vocabulary. It might be challenging don't beat yourself up. Just by being conscious of your thoughts is a step in the direction of your dream and your success. Becoming conscious of our awareness is key to changing our pattern.
I am sharing this information with you and I would love to get some feedback to know that someone is benefiting from this information. Please consider sending me an email. Thank you.
Were your thoughts supportive of what you want to accomplish. For example if you are trying to create a new car for yourself, have you be thinking of ways you can accomplish that or have you been thinking or saying to yourself, "Oh no, I can't afford it" "I don't deserve it" I can't justify spending that much money on a new car for myself" or "what if I lose my job" looking at the worst possible scenarios. Have you been thinking a lot of "nos" or a lot of "yeses"
I want you to find the pattern in your thinking and I want you to flip the switch for three days. For three days begin saying more "yeses" even if you feel like saying no. I would like you to try eliminating "no and can't" from your vocabulary. It might be challenging don't beat yourself up. Just by being conscious of your thoughts is a step in the direction of your dream and your success. Becoming conscious of our awareness is key to changing our pattern.
I am sharing this information with you and I would love to get some feedback to know that someone is benefiting from this information. Please consider sending me an email. Thank you.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Happy Canada Day Everyone
What a glorious day, what a glorious country - peace, sunshine, laughter, sounds of communities speaking different languages in the parks, eating foods with gusto and faces shine with contentment. Beautiful
Enjoy a new twist on the National Anthem which I heard was played at the Trafalgar Square in London. Cool.
Enjoy a new twist on the National Anthem which I heard was played at the Trafalgar Square in London. Cool.
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