"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every day. Never lose a holy curiosity." ~Albert Einstein
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Albert Einstein says:
What my eyes saw this morning
Walking to work I saw a young beautiful woman with pink hair which matched perfectly the pink sweater she was wearing. I said to myself, how beautiful, that could be the next big trend, dying your hair to match your outfit. Why not?
Monday, August 25, 2014
Quotable Quote by Rabindranauth Tagore
“Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it. Let me not look for allies in life's battlefield but to my own strength. Let me not cave in.”
Rabindranauth Tagore
“Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it. Let me not look for allies in life's battlefield but to my own strength. Let me not cave in.”
Friday, August 22, 2014
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
May Robbin Williams Soul Rest In Peacve
May we learn from this tragedy. Mental illness needs to come out of the closet and into everyday life. It is not a character flaw. It needs research and treatment like any other illness. Williams made the world a better place for all of us.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
Love is the currency of the Universe
Love and then love some more. The more love you give the richer you are. Cultivate love as you cannot give what you do not have inside of you. Treat yourself with compassion and know that there are no mistakes just lessons from the universe to be learned.
Happy Friday
Happy Friday
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Keep on the path you are on - freedom is there
"There's no way to freedom.
A 'way' means you have to start from somewhere and arrive somewhere. This
is the deception of the mind. You don't have to go anywhere to find
freedom. Forget about finding your way, you are already That which you
are seeking." ~Papaji
How many times have we not heard a person say, I just want to be free. They speak of freedom as it it somewhere and they have to get there but freedom is a decision you make. You make the decision and immediately you have to start chipping away at the doubt. The doubts are simply programs being replayed to keep us where we are.
If you want to feel free, act free. When the bad thoughts come up acknowledge its there, thank it for showing up and tell it is okay for it to go. Say these words:
"I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive, thank you."
It comes from an ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness.
What you are doing is honoring your higher self, saying you are sorry for allowing the bad feelings to entrap your spirit again, asking your higher self to forgive you and to finally thank it for forgiving you. Say those words until you actually begin to feel free of the negative thoughts.
What you are doing is honoring your higher self, saying you are sorry for allowing the bad feelings to entrap your spirit again, asking your higher self to forgive you and to finally thank it for forgiving you. Say those words until you actually begin to feel free of the negative thoughts.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Monday, August 4, 2014
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
To forgive is Divine
The Awesome Power of
Written by Jafree Ozwald
and Margot Zaher
"If we really want to
love, we must learn how to forgive." ~Mother Theresa
One of the most powerful things you can do is master the art of forgiveness. If you are carrying a grudge against anybody, whether it's big or small, you're clinging to a heavy shield around your heart that's weighing you down and negatively impacting you on many levels. By continuing to be angry or upset with somebody else because they have wronged you, only hurts you in the long run. Like attracts like, and when we hold onto feelings how someone has hurt us, we're anchoring our energy in the past and attracting another victim-like scenario in the future.
One of the most powerful things you can do is master the art of forgiveness. If you are carrying a grudge against anybody, whether it's big or small, you're clinging to a heavy shield around your heart that's weighing you down and negatively impacting you on many levels. By continuing to be angry or upset with somebody else because they have wronged you, only hurts you in the long run. Like attracts like, and when we hold onto feelings how someone has hurt us, we're anchoring our energy in the past and attracting another victim-like scenario in the future.
If we
don't learn how to forgive and let go of the pain that's been done, it doesn't
allow us to be fully open, available, alive, and present to this divine
moment. Our being becomes tight, protected and contracted when we cannot
forgive people. The quicker we can learn to let go, the less time we
spend in pain and suffering. Holding onto a grudge from the past with
anyone only hinders our ability to become a positive open loving being, who is
manifesting the life of our dreams.
The word "forgiveness" is derived from the word to "give". Forgiveness is a gift of freedom and healing. When you give it to another person you actually are giving this to yourself. The act of forgiving another may not free the other person if they do not accept it, yet it will definitely liberate your energy. Even if the other person holds onto the past grudge all the way to their grave, you can still forgive them for not knowing how. Your job is simply to let the past go and trust that everything is always in perfect divine order. The Universe never makes mistakes...ever.
The word "forgiveness" is derived from the word to "give". Forgiveness is a gift of freedom and healing. When you give it to another person you actually are giving this to yourself. The act of forgiving another may not free the other person if they do not accept it, yet it will definitely liberate your energy. Even if the other person holds onto the past grudge all the way to their grave, you can still forgive them for not knowing how. Your job is simply to let the past go and trust that everything is always in perfect divine order. The Universe never makes mistakes...ever.
Every act
of harm unleashed is pure stimulation for our soul's awakening. The pain
makes us wake up, recalibrate our life and adjust our sails towards a bigger
freedom. The judgments we tend to inflict upon ourselves force us to love
ourselves even deeper. The wound inside us creates a womb where new life
can be formed. We must then choose to give birth to something inside us
that is more loving, healing and creative. We must also forgive ourselves
for anything that is less than love. When we do forgive ourselves, we
instantly feel a great lightness that opens our chest and spreads all
throughout our body. It is a powerful path to healing that is always
available to choose in every moment of our lives.
Every day
we have the option to let go of our pride and let in the love, or hold on
tighter and be right about something unfair or wrong. If you want to
become a more sensitive humble and deeply loving human being, you must learn
the response of forgiveness and compassion. Softening our ego is perhaps
the most empowering and enlightening action we can do as it puts us directly in
contact with our soul. If you are ready to experience the amazing power
of forgiveness today, simply follow these 3 basic forgiveness steps:
1. Recognize your Attachment to your Story - When you hold onto a grudge, you are actually holding onto the story about what happened along with heavy feelings attached to your story. When you fully feel those heavy feelings that arise when you think about your story, you then can move through them and underneath them. Be curious about what is there underneath your feelings, as it will be something you never thought of before. Notice how you played your part in the drama and take responsibility for the role you stepped into. When you understand what the "payoff" of benefit you received by playing this role, no matter how horrible it was, you can then let go of the pattern completely.
Release those Repressed Feelings - When someone mistreats or
hurts us, we may either express this pain or repress it. If you were
taught to repress your feelings, put on a brave face, and go on with our life,
you'll have many heavy feelings inside you rotting away at your core. All
repressed feelings fester deep inside of us, and cause us to continue to carry
a burden about life, relationships, people and the world. The first step in
forgiving is letting go of these heavy feelings, allowing them to turn into
lighter feelings. There are many techniques that can help you release pent up
emotions from the past. One simple way you can do this on your own is emotional
release journaling. Just write about the past event without censoring it.
Write from your most emotional place and keep writing until you have emptied
everything out. Do not read it once you have finished. Wait a few days or weeks
before you read it. You can burn what you have journaled and proclaim
out-loud "I let this go". If your repressed emotions are very strong
or feel overwhelming, it may be best to get the support of a trained
professional to help you let them go. 1. Recognize your Attachment to your Story - When you hold onto a grudge, you are actually holding onto the story about what happened along with heavy feelings attached to your story. When you fully feel those heavy feelings that arise when you think about your story, you then can move through them and underneath them. Be curious about what is there underneath your feelings, as it will be something you never thought of before. Notice how you played your part in the drama and take responsibility for the role you stepped into. When you understand what the "payoff" of benefit you received by playing this role, no matter how horrible it was, you can then let go of the pattern completely.
3. Continuously Choose Forgiveness - In every moment, you have the opportunity to choose forgiveness. Once you release that holding onto the past only harms you, you can consciously choose to let it go instead of returning to resentment. Choosing forgiveness is a constant process. This means you will always choose to feel feelings of lightness, freedom and healing from the past event. Once you have decided to forgive someone, visualize the person is in front of you, and say it out loud to them, "I forgive you completely for what happened. I love you and thank you for the lesson. Please forgive me for what I've done." Notice how it feels just reading this proclamation in your body. By stating this message out loud you create an instant energetic shift in your body. The person can be on the phone, in the room or simply there in your mind. If you do this in your mind, the secret is that it must FEEL real to you. You will be amazed out how this declaration starts opening up your entire world in ways you never dreamed were possible. You'll soon see how it sparks the manifestation of more positive and desired experiences into your life.
I've created a Guided Healing Meditation that will help you to relax into your body and access a powerful healing experience that can transform your entire life! This 23 minute healing journey will open your heart, ignite your creative mind and help you to heal the mental and emotional wounds hidden deep inside you. It will bring a physical healing experience into every cell in your being, and has been found to work amazing for people who are fighting any illness or disease to fill the mind with the power of healing energy. Just listening to this meditation one time will heal and liberate your life in a multitude of many ways. Enjoy
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Do not believe everything you think. Thoughts are like the wind and the rivers, they flow ceaselessly. Do not attach yourself to any of them only those you wish to manifest.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Thursday, July 10, 2014
The importance of sdelf-love
How to Heal Your Body With Self
Written by Jafree Ozwald
"Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives." ~ Louise L. Hay
"Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives." ~ Louise L. Hay
It has been known for many years in the alternative healing
community that we have the power within us to heal our bodies with our
minds. Many studies have been done where people were healed from life
threatening illnesses (such as 4th stage cancer) by changing their thinking and
feeling patterns, doing laughter therapy and seeing their illness as a teacher.
This great journey through life is one that always ends with death, yet we do
have the power to release and heal our illness instead of destroying our
body. This amazing healing power we all share is rooted in the path of
loving every single aspect of ourselves in the most intimate and vulnerable
It's good to know that our physical bodies are only one aspect of
what we truly are. At the core essence of reality, we are spiritual beings of
light and energy. We are the infinite energy or great "Force” that runs
through all things and is surprisingly accurate to what they described in the
Stars Wars movies. When we lose connection with this force that acts like a web
or matrix of energy connecting everything in this Universe, we lose our access
point to tap into the eternal spring of inner peace, physical healing and a
fulfilling life.
When you look deep enough, you can see exactly how our bodies are
shaped by our consciousness, decisions, beliefs, and intentions. Our breath is
our main conduit of life energy enters us and how we meet and merge with the
physical Universe. When we are living a life full of stress and fear, we are
barely breathing, not trusting life and taking in the totality of
creation. If we unconsciously practice this over years, we start to run
low on life energy and build up even more reasons in our day to be full of
stress, anxiety and tension. Eventually, our body cannot take the intensity
breaks down and becomes “dis-eased”. It stops being at ease, feeling
connected to the loving force and matrix of life energy that is constantly
moving through everything.
It's vital to learn how to connect to your breath, to nature, and
with the 5 elements (air, fire, water, earth, spirit) around you if you sincere
about healing your body. In order to open up this connection the first
thing is to find the deepest possible love for yourself, where nothing else
matters (or even comes close to mattering) other than the pure devotion and
love you have for you. When you reach deep enough inside and find this
pure innocent sweet love for yourself, you can direct that love into your
breath, into nature, into these 5 elements and summon healing energy to enter
every cell of your body.
This life is a physical and metaphysical ride we are on. We
need to understand how simple it is to manifest the things we desire if we are
to truly enjoy it completely. It's important to understand that thoughts
are energy with specific frequency. Similar to how we would tune our
internal radio station to a certain channel, you can change your station of
your thinking pattern to a more healing frequency. The highest broadcast
is one of lightness, joy, freedom, love, unity, authenticity and vulnerability.
From playing the thoughts you find on these stations, you are broadcasting
healing feelings throughout the body from the radio tower in your brain.
The most powerful thing you can do is hold an intention that you
are going to heal your life in a certain amount of time. Feel into what
amount of time is right for you. It must feel not too short or too long,
yet just enough time that creates an excitement AND a relaxation in the body
and mind. When you hold this intention sacred everyday, you generate an
energetic field around the body that magnetizes positive situations, people,
foods, supplements or environments that create an even stronger positive effect
on your system.
When enough healing momentum is formed you will feel a positive
energetic shifts inside, which soon will take effect on your physical
form. As the body's cells change, you will find yourself releasing
unpleasant emotions such as shame, guilt, anger, fear and even false pride. We
are a psycho-emotional organism, where our emotional, mental and physical body
are deeply intertwined. When one aspect is transformed, it impacts the
others as well. This means we must give up harmful energetic habits such as
criticizing ourselves, blaming ourselves, judging ourselves, withdrawing from
our loved ones, hiding our light from the world, punishing ourselves, attacking
ourselves and so on. These harmful behaviors will soon be outweighed by the
positive, when enough relaxation is experienced with the positive feelings
welcomed in.
Self love is not a hard thing to do, its simply a matter of looking
at your true self and stop seeing you as this false self. The false self is the
limited one, who struggles, works overtime, and doesn't believe it is
enough. It doesn't feel lovable, worthy of love or able to give and
receive love. It simply doesn't believe in love at all, and is protecting
itself from love, to remain in control at all costs. When we give up on
this false way of being, we give ourselves space to discover our true self,
which is directly tuned into our soul body. We know we are connected when we feel
unconditional acceptance, openness, love, joy, peacefulness curiosity,
compassion, and reverence for ourselves, just the way we are. It feels natural
to forgive ourselves, be kind to ourselves, love every aspect of ourselves, and
have compassion for the state we were once in.
"Eventually you will come to understand that love heals
everything, and love is all there is." ~ Gary Zukav
If you have trouble loving you, or finding someone out there who
really loves you, think about someone or anyone from your past who gave you an
experience of being accepted or lovable. Perhaps it was a smile from your
grandma, or a neighbor brought your family cookies one day. Any loving
event is enough to open the door to finding that love within yourself and begin
healing your life with. When you harness memories that build positive
energy in your emotional body, your mind tends to gather a string of similar
events in your database. By writing down all the memories you have of
giving love to others, accepting love from others, trusting yourself and
others, you increase your vibration and feel more at ease. Dis-ease
cannot energetically stay in a body that is filled with joy and ease.
The vibration of love has been scientifically proven to alter the
shape and structure of physical molecules such as water. According to current
scientific studies, water molecules are directly effected by the words, sounds
and thoughts they are exposed to. Since your physical body is made up of more
than 70% water, it is continuously impacted by the vibrations of negative or
positive words you send into it. The alternative healing community accepts that
the vibration of love will literally create a physical healing in your body.
It may take 3 days, to 6 weeks, to 6 months or several years for
the change to happen, all depending on your willingness to let go of control
and resistance to love, and allow in all the light loving healing feelings you
can give to yourself. The more you love you, the healthier you will be
and the more energy you will instantly feel. You will know you are healing, as
you will naturally feel more energized, alive, and happier as you continue to
bathe your cells to the healing energy of self-love.
"The greatest healing therapy
is friendship and love." ~ Hubert Horatio Humphrey
I've created a Guided Healing the Body, Mind and Soul Meditation as
well as a Guided Self Love Meditation which you can find inside my. These
two inner journey alone will instantly increase the healing sensations inside
your body, and take you through the parts of your being where you may still be
hiding from love. They will give you the experience of instantly
reconnecting with that warm healing space inside yourself. It is from
repeating the feeling of having this warm, open hearted, cozy sensation that
you will turn yourself into a healing magnet and manifest a dis-ease free body.
If perhaps you are not fighting with an illness, I hope you share this article
with someone who may need it. Enjoy your journey through life!
"Your way of expressing these concepts always attracts me, and
nothing, but nothing compares with it-- the tone, the depth of spirituality, I
can't put it into words. Your Manifesting Manual is something I can read over
and over and soak up." ~Diane Abbott, Spain.
"I've been on the 90 day
course for a few months now and am really noticing some amazing changes in
myself. I feel healthier, I got a promotion at work, I've started developing my
online business plans that I've had for years...and so much more! Thanks
Jafree. Please keep the inspiration coming. Best regards. ~Jeremy Gard,
Sending your loads of sacred
healing vibrations,
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Monday, July 7, 2014
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Think Peace
When we have peace within, it doesn't matter what is going on around us, we will remain peaceful. When we have chaos within, then everything around us will always be in chaos.
Heal Yourself

Belief, advocates the idea that we have significant control over our biology, and wi...th our intentions and beliefs we can ‘reprogram’ or ‘control’ our genes and our lives.
For instance if cancer, heart failure or some other disease runs in the family, it doesn’t necessarily mean that a younger member of the family would also get those diseases, contradictory to the belief that diseases are hereditary. The genes can be altered by changing our environment and perception of that environment.
“You can control your genes by influencing your beliefs and personal attitudes. How I see the world and my perception controls not just internal biology and genetic behavior but it controls how I create a world around me, your mind’s perception of the world changes the biology and chemistry of your body which changes the cells in your body.” -Bruce Lipton, Cellular Biologist
“You can control your genes by influencing your beliefs and personal attitudes. How I see the world and my perception controls not just internal biology and genetic behavior but it controls how I create a world around me, your mind’s perception of the world changes the biology and chemistry of your body which changes the cells in your body.” -Bruce Lipton, Cellular Biologist
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Friday, June 13, 2014
Monday, June 9, 2014
Friday, June 6, 2014
Monday, June 2, 2014
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Happy mother's day
Your Children
Your children are
not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you, they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
Which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite.
And He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hands be for happiness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
So He loves the bow that is stable.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you.
And though they are with you, they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
Which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite.
And He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hands be for happiness;
For even as He loves the arrow that flies,
So He loves the bow that is stable.
Khalil Gibran
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
A-Z Challenge - Today is S - S for Silence
Silence is golden they said and it is. In silence the world unfolds itself for us and share it secrets of success, abundance, spiritual awareness and deep peace. In our hurried world we miss the voice of the universal One, the Creator. God. A modern day mystic Christopher Tim's even says that that ringing high-pitched sound we hear sometimes in black silence at night in particular that some mistake for tinnitus, often it is not, but it is that original sound of God or the Creator or the Universal Mind speaking to us It is the continuing sound of the big bang. Isn't that awesome. How can it get better than that? Think of what we are missing when we live in a state of noise and distractions all the time. Gosh. Hate to think of it.
In silence there is peace and tranquility. The body rests as does the mind appears to quiet, the flow becomes a ripple and then stillness. Have you ever meditated over still waters. It is incredible. Try in sometimes and become the water you see before you. Powerful stuff. Try some silence today.
He who does not understand your silence will not understand your words. Elbert Hubbard
We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and
restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature - trees, flowers,
grass- grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in
silence... We need silence to be able to touch souls. Mother Teresa
Silence is golden they said and it is. In silence the world unfolds itself for us and share it secrets of success, abundance, spiritual awareness and deep peace. In our hurried world we miss the voice of the universal One, the Creator. God. A modern day mystic Christopher Tim's even says that that ringing high-pitched sound we hear sometimes in black silence at night in particular that some mistake for tinnitus, often it is not, but it is that original sound of God or the Creator or the Universal Mind speaking to us It is the continuing sound of the big bang. Isn't that awesome. How can it get better than that? Think of what we are missing when we live in a state of noise and distractions all the time. Gosh. Hate to think of it.
In silence there is peace and tranquility. The body rests as does the mind appears to quiet, the flow becomes a ripple and then stillness. Have you ever meditated over still waters. It is incredible. Try in sometimes and become the water you see before you. Powerful stuff. Try some silence today.
He who does not understand your silence will not understand your words. Elbert Hubbard
Friday, April 18, 2014
A-Z Challenge - R - Resilience
According to the Oxford Dictionary resilience is defined as the ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyancy.
Resilience is all about being able to overcome the
unexpected. Sustainability is about survival. The goal of resilience is to
thrive. Jamais Cascio
What makes one person able to get over a tragedy or difficult situation quicker and in better form than the next? What operates within them that helps one person to cope and the other not cope? These are some of the questions that come to mind when I think of resilience. It is that little voice inside that keeps saying you can do it, okay so you fell get up back on your feet on keep going, so, this is where it is at it is sink or swim and you choose to swim. That's the stuff of resilience. Some people get their pink slips from their employers and they go home and straight to bed and stay there for the next month, a resilient person will just look at her slip as an obstacle to be overcome knowing that the quicker it is overcome the better, so they start pounding the pavement or start their own business they just keep going.
It is like faith in tomorrow, faith in I can do better, belief that life is about ups and downs and it is not always up and not always down so you're down now you keep moving knowing you are going on another upswing. Resilience is about shaping your mind as an obstacle blaster.
When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage
and resilience we did not know we had. And it is only when we are faced with
failure do we realise that these resources were always there within us. We only
need to find them and move on with our lives.
A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
A-Z Challenge Q - Questions
In the final analysis, the questions of why bad things
happen to good people transmutes itself into some very different questions, no
longer asking why something happened, but asking how we will respond, that we
intend to do now that it happened. Pierre
Teilhard de Chardin
Questions are answers and answers are questions. Questions open us to possibilities, answers choke off possibilities. If you want to be a state of flow, questions are the way to go. Answers are like a photographic snapshot, a thought frozen in time and space that cannot grow anymore, but questions are like flinging open the window and door, to an infinite field of possibilities.
Imagine when faced with a difficult problem asking what else is possible? How can it get better than this? What questions should I consider that I am not considering at this moment? What is fixed in
the universe? According to the growing field of quantum physics, everything is energy, we live in a holographic universe.
Dr. Dain Heer and Gary Douglas developed an excellent system of questions called Access Consciousness which focuses only on questions. They believe that the body has its own wisdom and if we know how to communicate with our bodies we get the answers we need that is perfect for us.
Questions require us to be open minded, being open to anything and attached to nothing , I think it was Dr. Wayne Dyer I heard said this first. We can remain unattached through questions.
Questions are answers and answers are questions. Questions open us to possibilities, answers choke off possibilities. If you want to be a state of flow, questions are the way to go. Answers are like a photographic snapshot, a thought frozen in time and space that cannot grow anymore, but questions are like flinging open the window and door, to an infinite field of possibilities.
Imagine when faced with a difficult problem asking what else is possible? How can it get better than this? What questions should I consider that I am not considering at this moment? What is fixed in
the universe? According to the growing field of quantum physics, everything is energy, we live in a holographic universe.
Dr. Dain Heer and Gary Douglas developed an excellent system of questions called Access Consciousness which focuses only on questions. They believe that the body has its own wisdom and if we know how to communicate with our bodies we get the answers we need that is perfect for us.
Questions require us to be open minded, being open to anything and attached to nothing , I think it was Dr. Wayne Dyer I heard said this first. We can remain unattached through questions.
“The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers,
he's one who asks the right questions.” ― Claude Lévi-Strauss
When you ask a question, you engage your higher self or your divine self or your conscious mind, and that self/consciousness is connected to the universal mind which knows everything, so when you ask questions that divine self goes to work and delivers what you need, delivers the solution and sometimes the solutions comes in a flash of insight. That is not luck, it is a response to your communication with your higher self. The more you access this consciousness through questions the more you will come to trust and depend on it and your life will be a miraculous flow of information and energy.
Take the attitude of a student, never be too big to ask
questions, never know too much to learn something new. Og Mandino
Thursday, April 17, 2014
A-Z Challenge P- Power
Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever
is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just Blaise
According to the Oxford Dictionary, power is authority or command over other, ability to influence others through the use for force
We all have a sense or experience of power. Many of us have use power over others by virtue of our size, our strength, ability or through other means as well as we have experienced the power of others over us beginning with our parents, teachers and supervisors. now
Because power confers on people the ability to control others, many misuse this privilege to get their own way and to force others to bend to their will instead of coming to a mutual understanding. A typical example of this is the ways in which parents sometimes treat their children. Many parents do not respect their children;s opinions and maybe understand their role as a decision maker and feel that they know what is best and impose their will on children without explanation. :Just do it because I say so kind of thing. This attitude is also carried out in the workplace where supervisors may treat their staff as they treat their children, telling them what to do with the threat of being fired or disciplined if they did not, many are not interested in the opinions of staff only in what they want and this could be carried out further in the State where a leader might become obsessed with their own sense of power and turn into dictators overriding the democratic rights of their citizens and decree laws and punishmen\that are oppressive.
There is a saying that absolute power corrupts. Power is sweet for those who like to use it as a weapon and to boost their own sense of importance.
When one thinks of power the first thing that may come to mind is the ability to command others to one's will, Having the power to hire or fire a person for a job is huge, having the power to charge someone with an offence is huge, having the power of to confer and take away rights of an entire nation or a group of people is huge. Having the power to change the lives of others for the better to create a just society by implementing appropriate laws and policies is huge.
Power can be used for good or bad it depends on who is wielding the power. Think of Hitler, the dictator or the modern day Russian leader against the weaker country Ukrainian think about the American or Canadian democratic societies where human rights are enshrined in the constitution.
Because of what can be done with power there are many who long for it but the only true power a person has is power over oneself. This is the most important power. When one has mastered the power over oneself, he or she is better able to use power responsibility and humanely.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, power is authority or command over other, ability to influence others through the use for force
We all have a sense or experience of power. Many of us have use power over others by virtue of our size, our strength, ability or through other means as well as we have experienced the power of others over us beginning with our parents, teachers and supervisors. now
Because power confers on people the ability to control others, many misuse this privilege to get their own way and to force others to bend to their will instead of coming to a mutual understanding. A typical example of this is the ways in which parents sometimes treat their children. Many parents do not respect their children;s opinions and maybe understand their role as a decision maker and feel that they know what is best and impose their will on children without explanation. :Just do it because I say so kind of thing. This attitude is also carried out in the workplace where supervisors may treat their staff as they treat their children, telling them what to do with the threat of being fired or disciplined if they did not, many are not interested in the opinions of staff only in what they want and this could be carried out further in the State where a leader might become obsessed with their own sense of power and turn into dictators overriding the democratic rights of their citizens and decree laws and punishmen\that are oppressive.
There is a saying that absolute power corrupts. Power is sweet for those who like to use it as a weapon and to boost their own sense of importance.
When one thinks of power the first thing that may come to mind is the ability to command others to one's will, Having the power to hire or fire a person for a job is huge, having the power to charge someone with an offence is huge, having the power of to confer and take away rights of an entire nation or a group of people is huge. Having the power to change the lives of others for the better to create a just society by implementing appropriate laws and policies is huge.
Power can be used for good or bad it depends on who is wielding the power. Think of Hitler, the dictator or the modern day Russian leader against the weaker country Ukrainian think about the American or Canadian democratic societies where human rights are enshrined in the constitution.
Because of what can be done with power there are many who long for it but the only true power a person has is power over oneself. This is the most important power. When one has mastered the power over oneself, he or she is better able to use power responsibility and humanely.
Question: Why are we Masters of our Fate, the captains of
our souls? Because we have the power to control our thoughts, our attitudes.
That is why many people live in the withering negative world. That is why many
people live in the Positive Faith world.
Alfred A. Montapert
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
A-Z Challege - Optimist
An optimist may see a light where there is none, but why
must the pessimist always run to blow it out?
Rene Descartes
Looking on the bright side of life is a characteristic of an optimist. They are good at turning lemons into lemonade or making the most of a bad situation. Some people call these optimists unrealistic, living in lala land, out of touch with reality. It is as if being optimistic is synonymous with embracing negativity.
I am am optimist. I know that what I think I create in my life,. Why would I want to create things that I do not want to be part of my life. If by thinking positive I feel better why would I not choose that.
I want to feel good and feeling good means thinking good thoughts. It's about accepting the things I cannot change and have the courage to change the things I can.
There is research that shows clearly that people who are optimists get over illnesses better, they have a higher chance of surviving life threatening diseases, so clearly it is not just thinking positively, something more is going on here. Our thoughts affect our quantum field in a positive or negative way.
Looking on the bright side of life is a characteristic of an optimist. They are good at turning lemons into lemonade or making the most of a bad situation. Some people call these optimists unrealistic, living in lala land, out of touch with reality. It is as if being optimistic is synonymous with embracing negativity.
I am am optimist. I know that what I think I create in my life,. Why would I want to create things that I do not want to be part of my life. If by thinking positive I feel better why would I not choose that.
I want to feel good and feeling good means thinking good thoughts. It's about accepting the things I cannot change and have the courage to change the things I can.
There is research that shows clearly that people who are optimists get over illnesses better, they have a higher chance of surviving life threatening diseases, so clearly it is not just thinking positively, something more is going on here. Our thoughts affect our quantum field in a positive or negative way.
“If you will call your troubles experiences, and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.” John Heywood
In the quote above, it says if you can change the way you look at things, the things you look at will change for the better. It is all a matter of perspective. There are always choices to be made, how you choose to view a situation. You can say oh poor me, nothing good is ever goiing to happen to me, there are no miracles for me etc. etc. or you can say tomorrow things will be better. You can choose to always look at possibilities rather than limitations. You will be a lot happier for it.
The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.
The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
A-Z Challenge - N NEGLECT
Sometimes in the hurriedness of life we neglect things we should pay attention to and we do this to our detriment, either in our relationship, our health, our careers or in any area of life. Paying attention to the details of our life will help us to avoid disappointment caused by neglect.
Neglect is about having our priorities mismatched that is putting our highest attention on things that are of the least importance not the most important for example neglecting your health because of a job. Even though a job is important without good health you're no where. Your employer might still terminate you if you are constantly sick or if your performance is below level because of poor health. Health is wealth and with good health you can go further. So if you are going to neglect going to see your doctor when you have to because you have to finish something at work, this is not your best choice.
Neglect is about having our priorities mismatched that is putting our highest attention on things that are of the least importance not the most important for example neglecting your health because of a job. Even though a job is important without good health you're no where. Your employer might still terminate you if you are constantly sick or if your performance is below level because of poor health. Health is wealth and with good health you can go further. So if you are going to neglect going to see your doctor when you have to because you have to finish something at work, this is not your best choice.
Perpetual devotion to what a man calls his business is only
to be sustained by perpetual neglect of many other things. Robert Louis
Sunday, April 13, 2014
A-Z Challenge - M for Mother
M is for mother
That all important solitary woman who is responsible for
bringing forth a nation, a civilization. A mother is a child’s world. If mother
is around the world is safe, all is good. When mother is absent, something is
not quite right in the life of a child.
As a child I loved my mother so much I cannot describe it.
My biggest fear as a child was losing my mother. I lived in a place where I saw the lives of children
horribly transformed after the untimely death of their mother. They were separated from each other, parceled
off to various people to help raise them. My heart broke for those children. I
could only imagine how awful that must be – losing your mother and then losing
your sibling and having to live with strangers some of whom only saw you as an
extra hand to do work around the house.
I am aware not all mothers are the same. Some are not so
good. I believe when you find such a mother, there is something wrong with the
mother, something mentally inferior that does not allow them to honor the
fullness of the gift of motherhood. Most mothers would die for their children;
they would wrestle with a lion to save their child that is the gift of
motherhood. It is a station of unconditional love, sacrifice and there’s an
unreachable depth of love she holds for her children that cannot be articulated
by words.
I am a mother and I feel that. I was a daughter and I felt a
love for mother that I cannot fully describe but when she died and left this
world when I was a mother myself, I still felt as though my umbrella had been
taken away from me and I am left exposed to the element. The world looked different.
Mothers are special and that is why God chose Mary to mother
one of the greatest man who walked the
earth Jesus. God could have created Jesus without a mother, could have just
caused Jesus to appear as a child in a basket in the river to be discovered by
a fair maiden but He did not. Jesus was born of a woman and had that protection
and love of her and her of Him. Mothers
are the hope of the world, a symbol of hope.
How do you love your mother? How do you respect and obey
her? Do you honour her. As for me even though
my mother is no longer in the world there is not a day that passes without me remembering
her I carry her in my heart.
A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.”
― Washington Irving
― Washington Irving
A - Z Challenge - L LOVE
L - iving
O- ur
Love is that important glue that keeps things together in the universe. Love binds humanity, matter and provides the facade of solidity in our holographic existence. Love is the language of the heart nd the soul. In the presence of love fears, darkness and negative vibrations are displaced for love is light. Love makes a person float, he or she feels the lightness of being, there is laughter, joy and sense of freedom. Contrast that to the burden of hate or fear, or doubt, which is a heavy energy - you feel joyless, fearful and depressed unable to walk straight with a smile on your face.Love is a universal gift to all of us but we have to open our hearts to receive it. We cannot close off the tap and expect to receive the gift of love. We have to open our hearts and we have to be able to see the humanity in anyone, that divinity in each of creation and love that. Loviing being unable to see wrongdoings in another. It does not mean you have to like the bad behaviours of another but be able to love them in spite of it. Through the love in your heart be abled to separate their physicality from their spirit. It's like a parent, after scolding their child for something that he had done that was not nice, could still reach out and hug them and tell them "I love you." Some folks may find this difficult and even disagree with me on this but I kid you not, love is powerful medicine.
It is true love we can forgive the most heinous crime against mankind, because love transmutes hate and frees us, our hearts not those we forgive. In order to love anyone or anything you have to fill your heart with love. If there is no love in your heart there is nothing to give away. You can only give away what you have. Think about this. Love expands our life and experience of loving while hate contracts our experience of life.
A flower cannot blossom without sunshine, and man cannot live without love.Max Muller
Saturday, April 12, 2014
A-Z Challenge - K - Kindness
Once upon a time there was a woman who lived with her 10 children in a little hut in a village in a remote countryside. She worked very hard everyday washing other people's clothing, working in other people's kitchen and planted a little kitchen garden behind her hut to make ends meet. But the children were happy in their poverty because their mother was a kind and simple woman. She loved all her children, listen to each and made time for everyone. Each child felt special.
Mabel raised these children alone for most of the years because she lost her husband and the father of the children to a farm accident years ago The children all went to Sunday school and each was given a penny to put in the collection box every Sunday. Being a frugal woman Mabel always saved a portion of what she made. It was a habit she learned from her mother when she was a child. Since there was not bank in her village, Mabel saved her money in a flat tin that she nestled in her mattress. She never counted how much she had she just kept adding each time she could. That was for a rainy day
One day, while attending Church, a father of four children took seriously ill and needed to be transported to the hospital as soon as possible or he would die. The only taxi in the village cost a lot of money that most people could not afford. The wife of the sick man quickly went to a money lender in the village which he agreed to do but the money has to be repaid in three months but double the amount borrowed. The woman was appalled at this exploitation. When Mabel heard people whispering about the miserable old miser and what he is asking the sick man's wife to pay.
She quickly ran to the woman's aid.
"Madam you do not have to sell your soul to the devil to save your husband"
"What are you talking about, what can I do?"
"I: can help you. I have some money saved up, I will lend it to you and I don't need any interest. You will pay me back when you can."
"Where would you get that kind of money. You are a poor woman yourself"
"Yes, but I have saved a few pennies. Let me help you please"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Come with me."
The woman followed Mabel to her home and Mabel quickly brought out her tin stuffed with money. It contained more than the amount needed to pay the Taxi" The woman was so happy she cried and hugged the old woman tightly. "I am so thankful. Why are you doing this for me? I have not been nice to you"
"I never noticed. I've always seen you as a nice woman who loves her husband a lot. I've lost mine and I know how tough it is, if I can help I want to."
"Thank you, your kindness will not go unrewarded" The woman said and left to take her husband to the hospital.
Mabel's children surrounded their mother and was asking her why she gave away the money she was saving. They were fearful that they would not have a cushion in case bad times come.
"That woman needed the money now, I need it for a future day which none of us is certain of. Kindness is about opening your heart in generous ways.. We will be fine and I will continue to save.".
She kissed her children and encouraged to feel happy that they could help someone less fortunate than themselves.
Once upon a time there was a woman who lived with her 10 children in a little hut in a village in a remote countryside. She worked very hard everyday washing other people's clothing, working in other people's kitchen and planted a little kitchen garden behind her hut to make ends meet. But the children were happy in their poverty because their mother was a kind and simple woman. She loved all her children, listen to each and made time for everyone. Each child felt special.
Mabel raised these children alone for most of the years because she lost her husband and the father of the children to a farm accident years ago The children all went to Sunday school and each was given a penny to put in the collection box every Sunday. Being a frugal woman Mabel always saved a portion of what she made. It was a habit she learned from her mother when she was a child. Since there was not bank in her village, Mabel saved her money in a flat tin that she nestled in her mattress. She never counted how much she had she just kept adding each time she could. That was for a rainy day
One day, while attending Church, a father of four children took seriously ill and needed to be transported to the hospital as soon as possible or he would die. The only taxi in the village cost a lot of money that most people could not afford. The wife of the sick man quickly went to a money lender in the village which he agreed to do but the money has to be repaid in three months but double the amount borrowed. The woman was appalled at this exploitation. When Mabel heard people whispering about the miserable old miser and what he is asking the sick man's wife to pay.
She quickly ran to the woman's aid.
"Madam you do not have to sell your soul to the devil to save your husband"
"What are you talking about, what can I do?"
"I: can help you. I have some money saved up, I will lend it to you and I don't need any interest. You will pay me back when you can."
"Where would you get that kind of money. You are a poor woman yourself"
"Yes, but I have saved a few pennies. Let me help you please"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. Come with me."
The woman followed Mabel to her home and Mabel quickly brought out her tin stuffed with money. It contained more than the amount needed to pay the Taxi" The woman was so happy she cried and hugged the old woman tightly. "I am so thankful. Why are you doing this for me? I have not been nice to you"
"I never noticed. I've always seen you as a nice woman who loves her husband a lot. I've lost mine and I know how tough it is, if I can help I want to."
"Thank you, your kindness will not go unrewarded" The woman said and left to take her husband to the hospital.
Mabel's children surrounded their mother and was asking her why she gave away the money she was saving. They were fearful that they would not have a cushion in case bad times come.
"That woman needed the money now, I need it for a future day which none of us is certain of. Kindness is about opening your heart in generous ways.. We will be fine and I will continue to save.".
She kissed her children and encouraged to feel happy that they could help someone less fortunate than themselves.
Friday, April 11, 2014
A-Z Challenge - J for JESUS
I think if I am to say who is the most popular person
on Facebook it would be Jesus. There are so many people professing their love
for this man and it is nice to see because Jesus stands for something positive,
good and redeeming.
While everyone loves Jesus many love him in their own
particular way and generally believes that their way is the best and the truest
form of adoration or worship.
Who is this man and why he had taken such a hold in the
hearts of mankind all over the world. No other philosopher, spiritual teacher
or anyone who has ever lived before has trumped Jesus.
Let’s look a little closer at Jesus. Who is he? We are told he is born of immaculate birth.
God implanted the seed in Mary to bring forth this spirit in human form with
all the feelings and concerns and needs of a human being. But he was different.
He was special and he knew things as a child that ordinary folks including
priests and learned men did not know. He stumped them with his wisdom. He was
born of Jewish parents. Not surprising as in the Old Testament God had a
covenant with the Jewish people through Abraham, Moses and Jacob. God promised
to be there for the Jewish people. So Jesus was born into a Jewish family with
Mary as his mother and Joseph as his early stepfather as such. This family was
poor. Joseph was a carpenter’s son – not from the priestly or learned lines at
all. He was born in a manger – how much lower can you get. He was exceptionally kind and he attracted
people to him, he cured the sick, raised the dead and finally he died on the
cross as it was foretold wiping the sins of all human away. He made us free from the strict judgment of
His father who showed no compassion of law breakers. It was an eye for an eye
and a tooth for a tooth. But Jesus
changed that fate for erring man. Even
more remarkable about Jesus is that he rose from the dead after three days in
the grave and returned to the company of heaven forever interceding of mankind’s
According to the Bible we owe
a debt of gratitude to Jesus. The story is quite amazing and touching. Many claim that even today Jesus executes
miracles in the lives of those who believe in him. He comforts the sick and he
takes away all fears. This man called
Jesus the greatest superstar if there ever was one. I love Him too.Thursday, April 10, 2014
A-Z Challenge - I for IDEA
An idea is a message that pops into your head.
Sometimes it appears the message comes from out of the blue and other times it
is like a flash of insight, an answer to question that you have been pondering
Some call this tapping into the mind of the universe to
which we are all connected or attached like a tributary of a river.
Not all ideas are meant to be acted upon, not all ideas
are your own, and some are just thoughts floating by like twigs in a stream.
You act upon an idea that is insistent; it comes back
to you with an urging for you to act. If after several promptings you do
nothing then that idea may move to someone else who might act upon it, someone
who is more receptive.
And then, when you see that idea made manifest you
would same to others or to yourself, boy, I had that idea and I should have
acted upon it but alas, it is too late. According to Debra Poneman, a spiritual
woman who developed the Yes to Success Program, an idea comes to you because it
wants to be manifested by you and not by someone else but if you pay not heed
to it because that idea has to be manifested in the world it will just go to
someone else and make that person very rich or very happy or both.
“This idea comes to you, you can see it, but to
accomplish it you need what I call a "setup." For example, you may
need a working shop or a working painting studio. You may be a working music
studio. Or a computer room where you can write something. It's crucial to have
a setup, so that, at any given moment, when you get an idea, you have the place
and the tools to make it happen. If you don't have a setup, there are many
times when you get the inspiration, the idea, but you have no tools, no place
to put it together. And the idea just sits there and festers. Overtime, it will
go away. You didn't fulfill it--and that's just heartache.” ― David Lynch, Catching the Big Fish: Meditation,
Consciousness, and Creativity
BAW (C)2014 A-Z challenge
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
The Heart of the Matter - A-Z Challenge H - Heart
Is there more to the human heart that meets
the eye? Nestled within the heart is
there a brain or an eye that connects to
a deeper part of ourselves?
you should look at the ways in which the word heart is used in our everyday
language, you would find that it has a special place in our common usage and
understanding that does not even have to be verbalized. It is something we just
know that we know. Is it because the heart was present at our inception. We began our journey with a beating heart. It knows.
Often you would heart people say, “my
heart was not into it”, “the heart of the matter is”, “have a heart” “even though logic told me to do one thing my
heart told me differently, ” “listen to your heart,” “follow your heart.” What do we mean? What is the heart? Isn’t it
just to pump blood throughout our body? What is the heart’s secret? The following are some quotes by people we consider to be wise:
Your time
is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by
dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let
the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most
important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Steve Job
This is my simple religion. There is no need for
temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is
our temple; the philosophy is kindness. Dalai LamaAll who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired. Martin Luther
Faith is a
knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof. Khalil Gibran
Once I knew only
darkness and stillness... my life was without past or future... but a little
word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness,
and my heart leaped to the rapture of living. Helen Keller.
The heart knows
intuitively and does not need proof, it seems when we listen to the heart, not
the ego, but the heart, we cannot go wrong. The heart does not lie. When Helen
Keller’s heart was connected to sign language, she became alive, light entered
her world through her heart. “my heart leaped to the rapture of living”.
A listening heart is four things.
1. A listening heart is always open: it is willing to hear bad news with respect and objectivity. Its first response is to let in the news and let it grow inside the heart rather than judge it at the door.
2. A listening heart is sensitive to the joy and pain of others: in other words it truly feels for others—it experiences the ups and downs of others lives not in thoughts but in feelings.
3. A listening heart offers a space within itself for the other to enter (generosity, welcoming, hospitality)—for one with a listening heart there is not fear of strangers, it has no allergy to the “other.”
4. A listening heart gives each person what he so badly needs-an affirmation of his/her place in the world. You know the listening heart because it makes you feel known, real, worthy and that you belong.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Quotable Quote
The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of
every human body, the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and
see God in him - that moment I am free from bondage, everything that binds
vanishes, and I am free,
Swami Vivekananda
A-Z Challenge - G = God
According to Genesis
In the beginning was the word
and the word was God
God is love.
God created man is His image
and placed a spark of Herself in each of her creation
and through that we are connected.
God is the creator of the Universe
She is omnipotent, omnipresent
God works through me to communicate with mankind
God works through you to teach me
We are all connected as one organism
Our separation is an illusion
Our purpose in this world
is to know God
By knowing ourselves we come to know
May you continually strive to unravel
to unearth the depth of you.
In the beginning was the word
and the word was God
God is love.
God created man is His image
and placed a spark of Herself in each of her creation
and through that we are connected.
God is the creator of the Universe
She is omnipotent, omnipresent
God works through me to communicate with mankind
God works through you to teach me
We are all connected as one organism
Our separation is an illusion
Our purpose in this world
is to know God
By knowing ourselves we come to know
May you continually strive to unravel
to unearth the depth of you.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
A-Z Challenge - F - FACEBOOK
Facebook has its pros and cons
the pros use it to spread their message
the cons use it as an advertising tool
But I use it to influence
make the world a better place
One friend at a time
Facebook gave me many friends I do not know
Events to check out when I don't know where to go
A sense of community from the comfort of my home
It's connected me to family and friends I thought I never see again
With whom to share memories that cheers my heart
Yeah Facebook pros outshines the con
It's given so much of such and such and such
Oh yes there are the odd times
When community standards are compromised
But the built in watchdog within the community
Quickly snuff those items out of sight
Watching the world thinking through this tool
Is education you cannot get through regular school
Facebook is indeed the world and my fingertip.
A-Z Challenge - F
(c) BAW 2014
Facebook has its pros and cons
the pros use it to spread their message
the cons use it as an advertising tool
But I use it to influence
make the world a better place
One friend at a time
Facebook gave me many friends I do not know
Events to check out when I don't know where to go
A sense of community from the comfort of my home
It's connected me to family and friends I thought I never see again
With whom to share memories that cheers my heart
Yeah Facebook pros outshines the con
It's given so much of such and such and such
Oh yes there are the odd times
When community standards are compromised
But the built in watchdog within the community
Quickly snuff those items out of sight
Watching the world thinking through this tool
Is education you cannot get through regular school
Facebook is indeed the world and my fingertip.
A-Z Challenge - F
(c) BAW 2014
Saturday, April 5, 2014
A-Z challenge E-Day EGO
Energy wasted
Going down the drain
One attachment at a time
that's what the ego demands
It is quest for precedence
take you down a path
that leads to nothing but dis-ease
Ego says I am my job
self important like Miss Piggy the star
I'm better that everyone by far
I'm never to blame when things go wrong
It's all their fault poor me the song
If only they had listened to me
Ego takes back seat to no one
It's always a notch above the rung
It seeks to have the last say
crush its opponents ground them in dirt
Any failure it encounter it's not its fault
but racists, classists, doggone pigs
who threw a pile of twigs
that caused it to fail
The egos world is the material
its life force comes from the physical
status, wealth, education
these are its lifeblood
without which it dissolves in thin air
Dies a lonely death of its own doing.
God = Wayne Dyer
(c) BAW A-Z Challege 2014
Going down the drain
One attachment at a time
that's what the ego demands
It is quest for precedence
take you down a path
that leads to nothing but dis-ease
Ego says I am my job
self important like Miss Piggy the star
I'm better that everyone by far
I'm never to blame when things go wrong
It's all their fault poor me the song
If only they had listened to me
Ego takes back seat to no one
It's always a notch above the rung
It seeks to have the last say
crush its opponents ground them in dirt
Any failure it encounter it's not its fault
but racists, classists, doggone pigs
who threw a pile of twigs
that caused it to fail
The egos world is the material
its life force comes from the physical
status, wealth, education
these are its lifeblood
without which it dissolves in thin air
Dies a lonely death of its own doing.
God = Wayne Dyer
(c) BAW A-Z Challege 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014
A-Z Challenge Today is D-Day
Friends you are divine
beautiful, perfect connected
to all there is in space and time
there, you are unique by design
with superpowers galore
ready to reveal and assign
secrets of the law of more
to those with the right mindset.
Being divine your potentiality
is limitless/ever flowing
in the ocean of infinity
ever flowing, ever expanding ever giving
ready for you to take what you need
with faith as a grain of mustard seed
As a spark of the divine
you're mortal flesh and eternal spirit
You shine, sparkle you're superfine
but freewill requires you to commit
to step into your extraordinary armour
live your life to honour the Creator
in the depth and breath of your power.
You are indeed a divine co creator.
(C) BAW 2014
A-Z Challenge
beautiful, perfect connected
to all there is in space and time
there, you are unique by design
with superpowers galore
ready to reveal and assign
secrets of the law of more
to those with the right mindset.
Being divine your potentiality
is limitless/ever flowing
in the ocean of infinity
ever flowing, ever expanding ever giving
ready for you to take what you need
with faith as a grain of mustard seed
As a spark of the divine
you're mortal flesh and eternal spirit
You shine, sparkle you're superfine
but freewill requires you to commit
to step into your extraordinary armour
live your life to honour the Creator
in the depth and breath of your power.
You are indeed a divine co creator.
(C) BAW 2014
A-Z Challenge
Thursday, April 3, 2014
A-Z ChallengeA-Z Challenge "c" - CORE
A-Z Challenge
C – Core
What's at the core of matter
The universal program that controls our
What’s left with all else fades away
When we can no longer pray
When death claims someone we prize
And we’re helpless to undo the demise
Love is what remains
The indelible mark that stains
intersect our humanity
In spite of our penchant for
Love is what we are at the core
Everything else is left at the door
Non-being house in clothes of bones and skin
Is what we are at the core within
(BAW) 2014
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
A-Z Challenge
B - Beauty
"Beauty is truth,
truth beauty,—that is all, Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."
Wrote the English Poet John Keats in Ode
on a Grecian Urn. Such powerful words! According to the dictionary, truth is real
something that cannot be disproved. Reality is truth and it is beautiful. What
is the reality of our world, our humanity – the state of things as they
actually exist, not idealistic notions. Beauty therefore is accepting the way things
are without the need to fix anything. We can find beauty in any of God`s
creature even in a bowl of dirty water with a floating fish head offered as
soup as Viktor Frankel a holocaust survivor did while in the camp. When we
accept things the way they are, our lives can be beautiful and not stressed
out. Can you see beauty in a child with a disability, an old man or women
wrinkled with signs of age and past lives? Can you see your own beauty, because
you are real and truth is beauty. What determines standards of beauty? Is it memories,
judgements, programming? Yes. What if there we could erase memories and
programming and return to zero, then we could see everything as beautiful. It’s
like a baby anyone in the vibration of love they will gravitate to. They see beauty and want to touch and kiss
it. Beauty is truth and truth beauty that is all we need to know.
(C) BAW A-Z Challenge - B
May A-Z Challenge - ATTITUDE
I have joined the A-Z Challenge which asks participants to use the letters of the alphabet in sequence to choose as their topic. This is for the first day which I am doing on day two. Watch for my entry for today later. I hope you enjoy it and keep coming back to see my contributions
A for Attitude
You wake up in the morning
And look at the new day
Do you greet with a smile
Or sigh with a frown
Are you grateful for life?
Or do you take it for granted
The vibration you give off
It`s what comes back to you.
The secret of a happy life
Hides in your attitude
Something you can do
To create the life you want
An ordinary bush
Can voice the thoughts of the Divine
A surprising smile from a stranger
Can be a nod from the Creator
A phone call a friend out of the blue
Cane be a miracle
It`s all in the way you see things
All about your attitude.
Today the sun is shining out a clear blue sky
Just because I asked it to.
(BAW) 2014
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Friday, February 28, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
This is a beautiful prayer.

Dear God (One Presence),
Fill me with Your love, light, peace and understanding.
Fill me full. Permit my heart to beat with Your heart and my lungs to breath with You. Animate me from head to toe with Your love and light.
There are so many who feel alone and unworthy. Touch these people through me. Express fully through me that they may feel Your Presence. Love through me. Heal through me. Prosper through me.
Let no person, animal or life form go untouched. Express through me Beloved that the whole world may feel the depth and fullness of Your love.
Many are joining together in service. May we see our true Self: beautiful, pure, whole expressions of You and may we be conduits of Your love, peace and healing. May the Earth receive this blessing and may humanity and life on Earth enter the dawn of a new day; a day filled with health, wellbeing, harmony and happiness.
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