Thursday, October 31, 2013


The Truth Within

When you are in touch with that dimension within yourself [the truth of who you are] –

and being in touch with it is your natural state, not some miraculous achievement –

all your actions and your relationships will reflect the oneness with all life that you sense deep within.

--A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle


“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” ~Mother Teresa

quote of the day

Thanks @[184599864915751:274:Women's Rights News] for the image!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Two great quotes

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest..  Confuscius

Learn Secrets Here:

Just a thought?

"What if every emotion and every feeling was just a color in a rainbow of infinite energy?" Rikka

What if every emotion and every feeling was a colour in a rainbow of infinite energy?

Isn't that true?

quotable quote

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Another wonderful advice

Simply beautiful

Prayers to the people, the animals, the water, the earth and all life everywhere. In peace & unity. Art by Creative Native. Like her page here: — with Creeative Native Traverse and Veronica Johnny.Prayers to the people, the animals, the water, the earth and all life everywhere. In peace & unity. 
Art by Creative Native. Like her page here:

Choose happiness


Relax and wait


Another quote

Finding yourself

this is exactly how i feel every single time i am in nature. i breathe in the smells. i soak up the sights. and i know, deeply, just who it is that i am. all of life's biggest questions are answered out there in the paths of mother nature. <3 Louise Smith

Good advice

Quotable quote

 What if you adopted the belief that there are no bad experiences? Isn't it true that no matter what you go through in life—whether it's difficult or easy, painful or pleasurable—every experience provides something of value if you look for it?
Anthony Robbins

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Women's History

For more information about her, see:

too good not to share

Divine Abundance is your Natural State .
Every cell of your body is pulsating and vibrating
with super alive conscious energy right now.
When you relax into your you feel it?
All your atoms are singing and dancing together,
they are having a great party inside you!
Your body is celebrating being alive in this Universe!

And, if you look all around you with eyes of gratitude and wonder,
all you will see is a massive display of creativity, energy and abundance!
You are truly surrounded by abundance in every direction.

Think about what actually had to happen for all
these amazing material things to manifest themselves.
Imagine all the time, creative energy and love that went into
seeding and growing all the plants, trees, gardens and flowers.
Think about what had to occur for each of these houses, cars,
TVs, computers, floors streets, buildings, and entire cities to manifest!
Think about all the sex that had to occur for all 7 billion people
to be born and living on Earth today. Whoa...
Remember that EVERYONE (including all plants, animals, sea creatures)
were all born from an orgasm!! (now this is getting really exciting...)

It's truly amazing and best of all, imagine that
everything and everyone is here for your enjoyment!
Now do you see the abundance that is all around you??
Do you feel it ??

If you think abundance in life is all about the surplus of money in your bank
or how expensive the things are that you own, you are deeply mistaken.
Some of the most miserable people in the world are the most
financially wealthy, they simply don't know how to feel this divine abundance
that is dancing inside them all day long!

Real everlasting abundance comes from being in touch
with the divine being who you truly are. That creative loving juicy
alive essence of who has the potential to vibrate, gyrate,
and reach the highest frequencies of inner freedom!

Even if you're struggling with money, just start to accepting
the fact that in many ways you already are living an abundant life.
It's more fun and enjoyable than pretending that you aren't!
Enlightenment starts with choosing to see through a
more expansive perception that makes us feel truly free.

I can see that super rich and deeply appreciative being
is growing and glowing inside you now!!

Sending an abundance of positive
healing messages your way...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Another Great Quote

When you are discontent, you always want more, more, more. Your desire can never be satisfied. But when you practice contentment, you can say to yourself, 'Oh yes - I already have everything that I really need.' Dalai Lama

Quotable Quote

You can turn just about any simple act into a practice of mindfulness, and it will nurture and nourish you; it will start your day off in a positive way" Mariel Hemmingway

Monday, October 21, 2013


"Give love and unconditional acceptance to those you encounter, and notice what happens.” ~ Wayne Dyer

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Another great quote

“The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you.” – Unknown #quotes

As Above so below


Another great quote

Thanks @[] for the image!

Quotable Quote

Like -> @[136336876521150:274:Sun Gazing]

If You Are Interested In a Limited Edition "May all beings be released from suffering" Shirt available for a little longer Here -> 

Please Share


You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.”
Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny

48 hour experiement

I just found this article below in my mail box and I think it is wonderful to share it because it is an experiement to prove that a powerful benevolent, loving, abundant energy is around us willing to gift us with what we ask for. Many people are skeptical about this so we can do the research for ourselves. Why not give it a try and I would love to here what your results are. I am trying it and I am also going to share my results with you.
Divine love and guidance

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

October 16, 2013


– – –
Co-op Week Oct. 13 to 19 Celebrates Successes of Growing Sector
A growing number of Manitobans are turning to co-ops to serve their needs in everything from financial services to providing gas, food, hardware, the trades, music, art and even a home, Housing and Community Development Minister Kerri Irvin-Ross said today in recognizing Oct. 13 to 19 as Co-op Week.
“The co-operative spirit Manitobans exhibit through credit unions, caisse populaires and a variety of co-op business ventures can be credited for the success of many social and economic developments throughout the province,” said Irvin-Ross.  “The Manitoba government is proud to closely work with the co-operative community to support and bring awareness to the long lasting benefits of co-operatives.”
As part of the ongoing Co-operative Community Strategy, the minister said the province supports a number of important initiatives that foster and build upon the social and economic benefits that co-operatives provide.  The strategy is co-ordinated by a partnership with the Manitoba Cooperative Association, the Conseil de développement économique des municipalités(CDEM) and the provincial government.  Some of the initiatives under the Co-operative Community Strategy that were achieved this year include:
  • the development of youth co-ops through support from Youth Services Cooperatives, co-ordinated by CDEM, to work with communities to develop opportunities for students ages 12 to 17;
  • the development of the provincial Youth Caucus Jeunesse, a program that brings youth together to brainstorm ideas for developing youth-driven projects reflecting co-op values;
  • a new website that allows co-operatives to more easily find resources and supports for education, promotion and development;
  • the Co-op Housing Community Mobilizer Project which assists in the development of new housing co-operatives through research activity, policy analysis and hands-on work with community proponents;
  • the Co-operative Research Fund which offers grants to stimulate, broaden and sustain the development of a socially and economically successful Manitoba co-operative community; and
  • the inclusion of a chair in co-operative management at the University of Winnipeg, intended to foster learning and research to promote greater awareness and understanding of the importance of co-operatives throughout the province.
There are currently 361 non-financial co-operatives and 37 credit unions in the province extending services to 47 per cent of Manitobans through hundreds of branches and with combined assets of $22 billion.  The co-op model has the advantage of bringing together specific expertise in different areas required for a strong business, the minister noted.
“Because co-operatives are organized by members with a common need, goal or ideal, members have a greater stake in the health of the organization, they have a high success rate and are more resilient to economic upheavals than other types of businesses,” Irvin-Ross said.  “Co-ops also keep profits locally, thereby increasing the wealth of their communities.”

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Live Fearlessly

Quote for Tomorrow

Thomas Merton Quote

Another great quote


Quoteable quote

I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.
Audrey Hepburn

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Quoteable Quote

Whenever you are feeling less than good, if you will stop and say, - Nothing is more important than that I feel good, I want to find a reason NOW to feel good - you will find an improved thought.

Abraham Hicks

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Two great quotes

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

For flowers that bloom about our feet;
For tender grass, so fresh, so sweet;
For song of bird, and hum of bee;
For all things fair we hear or see,
Father in heaven, we thank Thee!
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, October 11, 2013

Happy Thanksgving my sweet friends

Thanksgiving is a time to savor the blessings of friendship, family and fortune and feel the gratitude for all that we have.  It is a time of sharing, camaraderie, generosity and for the bounty of harvest. We thank our farmers who toil the land to put food our table thanks to the upswing of farmers' markets once again. It's a time for pumpkin pies, turkey and stuffing and special treats shared with friends, the dinner table alive with conversations and laughter. There is so much to be thankful for.
I thank you who read my musings and connect with the things that interest me. Without you there won't be a blog so together we make this space possible. I thank you again.I hope you have a wonderful season of thanksgiving and hoping that you can find a myriad of things to be thankful for.
Divine love and gratitude


Monday, October 7, 2013

Another Quote

Quote for Today

When you sing with a group of people, you learn how to subsume yourself into a group consciousness because a capella singing is all about the immersion of the self into the community. That's one of the great feelings - to stop being me for a little while and to become us. That way lies empathy, the great social virtue. Brian Eno