Tuesday, February 11, 2014

This is a beautiful prayer.

http://act.humanitysteam.org/images/Patty%20Chapman%20Feb%2010th%202014.JPG~Steve Farrell  [written for “How Do You Pray” by Celeste Yacoboni]

Dear God (One Presence),

Fill me with Your love, light, peace and understanding.

Fill me full. Permit my heart to beat with Your heart and my lungs to breath with You. Animate me from head to toe with Your love and light.

There are so many who feel alone and unworthy. Touch these people through me.  Express fully through me that they may feel Your Presence. Love through me. Heal through me. Prosper through me.

Let no person, animal or life form go untouched. Express through me Beloved that the whole world may feel the depth and fullness of Your love.

Many are joining together in service. May we see our true Self: beautiful, pure, whole expressions of You and may we be conduits of Your love, peace and healing. May the Earth receive this blessing and may humanity and life on Earth enter the dawn of a new day; a day filled with health, wellbeing, harmony and happiness.



Sunday, February 9, 2014

Howdy friends and I am sending you a free energetic hug this morning

I just saw a show on an American channel where a a couple persons were sharing the success of their business of hugging therapy.  These are not professional psychologists but ordinary folks who saw the need in society and went about filling it for a price. That is the business of hugging.  You get one hour's worth of hugging for about $200.00. 
Research shows that people do not touch enough in America. While in some other countries in Latin America or Africa people touch each others often here in North America we are starved on touch. Touching and hugging are important needs in human. It is part of our energetic vitamins requirement for good health.
I am encouraging you to touch someone today, really give someone a bear hug and see how good it feels.
One woman said she got the idea to charge for hugs when she saw in the news there were two people in the street giving out hugs, one was giving out free hugs and the other charged $2 for a hug. The one who charged for the hug for more people going to him. Imagine that.  So walla, an idea for business was born.  Go figure that one.

Hug someone, we are all starving for touch. Touch someone today - it is a gift.

Please accept my hug today and it'd be nice to receive one in return. Thanks.

I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in a thousand meaningful words
Ann Hood
Fractal Enlightenment's photo.

Friday, February 7, 2014

It's Friday and Pay Day

What a winning combination. I am heading out for some Indian delights.  How about you? What are you into today or this evening?  I passed up on a friend's craft show, just didn't feel up to it. Just want to relax and unwind at the buffet with another friend who is leaving for Mexico tomorrow.
It should be good conversation and good food. I have so much to be grateful for today. I am so thankful for the blessings.
Have a good one y'all , love you guys to pieces, really.

Quotable Quote
Friday, The golden child of the weekdays.
The superhero of the workweek.
The welcome wagon to the weekend.
The famous F word we thank God for every week.

Author Unknown

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Isn't this the neatest thing

This dog wanted to catch a little nap so what does he do, put his foot over his mistress foot to make sure he knows when she is leaving. Bless these loving and helpful animals. So cute.

One day before Friday

Thursdays make me feel hopeful because it is one more day before Friday. Sometimes looking forward to the weekend is my biggest treat. I am so grateful that I work from Monday to Friday and have all my weekends off to do whatever I want. I am also aware that there are many for whom weekend relaxation is a distant dream because they have to work at more than one jobs to make ends meet. I acknowledge my privilege but keep those others close in my heart praying that one day soon they would be able to work at one job and it will be enough to raise their families comfortably. Have a terrific Thursday y'all and remember I love you.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How are you doing today?

In my neck of the wood the sun is shining. It hasn't shone this way for a long time. It feels good that the days are getting longer and old man winter is on its way out. I am grateful for today and for the beautiful sun.