Sunday, April 13, 2014

A-Z Challenge - M for Mother


M is for mother

That all important solitary woman who is responsible for bringing forth a nation, a civilization. A mother is a child’s world. If mother is around the world is safe, all is good. When mother is absent, something is not quite right in the life of a child.

As a child I loved my mother so much I cannot describe it. My biggest fear as a child was losing my mother.  I lived in a place where I saw the lives of children horribly transformed after the untimely death of their mother.  They were separated from each other, parceled off to various people to help raise them. My heart broke for those children. I could only imagine how awful that must be – losing your mother and then losing your sibling and having to live with strangers some of whom only saw you as an extra hand to do work around the house.

I am aware not all mothers are the same. Some are not so good. I believe when you find such a mother, there is something wrong with the mother, something mentally inferior that does not allow them to honor the fullness of the gift of motherhood. Most mothers would die for their children; they would wrestle with a lion to save their child that is the gift of motherhood. It is a station of unconditional love, sacrifice and there’s an unreachable depth of love she holds for her children that cannot be articulated by words.

I am a mother and I feel that. I was a daughter and I felt a love for mother that I cannot fully describe but when she died and left this world when I was a mother myself, I still felt as though my umbrella had been taken away from me and I am left exposed to the element.  The world looked different.

Mothers are special and that is why God chose Mary to mother one of the  greatest man who walked the earth Jesus. God could have created Jesus without a mother, could have just caused Jesus to appear as a child in a basket in the river to be discovered by a fair maiden but He did not. Jesus was born of a woman and had that protection and love of her and her of Him.  Mothers are the hope of the world, a symbol of hope.

How do you love your mother? How do you respect and obey her? Do you honour her.  As for me even though my mother is no longer in the world there is not a day that passes without me remembering her I carry her in my heart. 
A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.”
Washington Irving

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