Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A-Z Challenge

B - Beauty

  "Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all, Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know." Wrote the English Poet John Keats in Ode on a Grecian Urn. Such powerful words!  According to the dictionary, truth is real something that cannot be disproved. Reality is truth and it is beautiful. What is the reality of our world, our humanity – the state of things as they actually exist, not idealistic notions. Beauty therefore is accepting the way things are without the need to fix anything. We can find beauty in any of God`s creature even in a bowl of dirty water with a floating fish head offered as soup as Viktor Frankel a holocaust survivor did while in the camp. When we accept things the way they are, our lives can be beautiful and not stressed out. Can you see beauty in a child with a disability, an old man or women wrinkled with signs of age and past lives? Can you see your own beauty, because you are real and truth is beauty. What determines standards of beauty? Is it memories, judgements, programming? Yes. What if there we could erase memories and programming and return to zero, then we could see everything as beautiful. It’s like a baby anyone in the vibration of love they will gravitate to.  They see beauty and want to touch and kiss it. Beauty is truth and truth beauty that is all we need to know.
(C) BAW  A-Z Challenge - B

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